What is Noise? Interdisciplinary Discussion
Marc Aguilar and Víctor Jiménez (ES)

The team behind Noise Maps invite international experts in noise and sound to discuss our attitudes to noise, its effects and affect, and our agency in shaping soundscapes in this panel discussion with time for audience questions.

Art and Nanotechnology - Marcel Weber
gnration (PT) and INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Institute (PT / EU)

For its Ars Electronica Garden, gnration will present a virtual tour of The Invention of Sense, by German artist Marcel Weber.

Sonic Heritage of Inner City Barcelona
Marc Aguilar and Víctor Jiménez (ES)

Bit Lab Cultural Cooperative work on Noise Maps with residents of Raval to gather audio recordings using audio moths placed around the city, and learn how to best investigate urban noise.

Loss of the Night
Helga Kuechly, Chris Kyba (DE)

The Loss of the Night team explains how light pollution affects our view of the night sky, and how our experience can be transformed into data. The presentation will kick-off a 24-hour global observation, where teams around the globe will tune in to show us what the night sky is like in their location, with the help of the Loss of the Night app.

Tired Moths and Quiet Stars
Sibylle Schroer (DE)

The 'Crime Scene’ Streetlight project works with citizens and schools to research the effect of the design of street lamps on flying insect populations. Join the team at Brandenburg maker-hub Verstehbahnhof, where local teenagers will be gathering data about pollution; before touring the four Tatort Streetlight locations and learning how to identify flying insects.

Drums Radio – 2 hours live radio session per day
Aurore Balsa (FR), Delphine Dora (FR), Ambre Dourneau (FR), Romain Gaudillière (FR), Céline Jiang (FR/CN), Pauline Mikô (BE), Nina Queissner (DE), Natalia Rivera Riffo (CL), Victor Villafagne (FR)

The DDD is a conceptual analytical system where the association of three words in D creates a tridimensional investigation space. As sound matter is a mechanic wave working in three dimensions, we assign it to a tridimensional physical space. Thereby, we want to construct a autonomous reflective space where sound projects itself.

Street Spectra – Join the Streetlights Hunting!
Lucía García (ES)

Turn your smartphone into a scientific instrument using a cheap diffraction grating. The Street Spectra citizen science project lets you get surprising pictures of the colourful spectra produced by the streetlamps in your neighborhood.

Acte de Fe
Marc Vilajuana, Adrià Grandia, Carlos Martorell

Act of faith (Acte de Fe) is an exploration of our relationship with technology, its similarities with the one we have with religion, the tools involved in both processes, and its impact on us and in our sacred/private space. Mise-en-scène will consist in a liturgy performed by Marc Vilajuana (voice, effects, hand drum), Adrià Grandia (acoustic and MIDI hurdy-gurdy, modular synth, laptop, aerophones), Carlos Martorell (coding, synths, motion sensors, artiphon) and a real-time reactive AI trained with religious scores.

Interdependence with Richie Hawtin: AI for humans
Holly Herndon, Matt Dryhust

In this discussion we explode the false binary of humans and machines in the music making process, explore ways that AI systems could actually help get more humans paid rather than displace them, and discuss the necessity of artists having a seat at the table in the process of AI tool development.

Dance the distance
Ariella Vidach (IT), Claudio Prati (CH), Paolo Solcia (CH), Riccardo Santalucia (IT), Sebastiano Barbieri (IT), Francesco Luzzana (IT), Giovanni Landi (IT)

Live Guided Tour in a Dance Virtual Studio. MEET’s second project Dance the distance is a live guided tour through a virtual dance studio. Participants as avatars will be able to meet the virtual dancers and join an open rehearsal for a VR dance performance in progress.

Meet the Media Guru
William Myers (US/NL)

Within its Meet the Media Guru format, MEET presents a talk by William Myers about the emerging practice of integrating biological processes into art and digital creativity. An exhibition curator and lecturer based in Amsterdam (NL), Myers is the author of two widely acclaimed books about the intersections of design, art, and science: Biodesign and BioArt.

John MacCallum(USA), Jeff Lubow (USA) 

In this workshop, we will provide a brief, practical introduction to odot, a dynamic, multi-paradigm programming environment that operates on Open Sound Control. Developed at CNMAT beginning in 2007, odot has evolved into a powerful and robust suite of tools useful in a variety of contexts, from gesture signal processing to computer-aided composition. During this workshop, we will discuss the current state of the package and the future of the project.

The QuBits VR Space
Jon Kulpa

Jon Kulpa is available to host a live online demonstration/performance of QuBits VR. The QuBits project is a virtual reality (VR) environment built by the composer that offers an expanded medium for musical experience with integrated space and visuals.  The environment was designed to explore a musical aesthetic valuing sound mass, spatial sound, evolving sound, and algorithmically generated sonic structures.  The user of the VR system plays a key role in shaping these musical elements.  The user first discovers what behaviors are possible through exploration and chance encounters.  They can then shape each discovered behavior with nuance if they choose.  The system provides a unique experience each time it is run.  The sounds are a mix of real world sampled sound, granular synthesis, and real-time generated synthetic sound.

Synthesizing / Distancing - Video
UMPRUM, Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (CZ)

Two recent installations exhibited in different locations in Prague introduce the works The Platform, by Shota Tsikoliya and David Kovařík, and Photosynthetic Landscapes, by Veronika Miškovicová, which were created at the Studio of Architecture III at UMPRUM, the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague.

The Garden of Curiosity
Mariano Sardón (AR), Mariano Sigman (AR/ES), Marcos Trevisán (AR), Bruno Mesz (AR), Intercambios Transorgánicos (AR), Sebastian Tedesco (AR), Leandro Garber (AR), Tomás Ciccola (AR), Lucía Kuschnir (AR), Josefina Schmipp (AR), Viviana Ramos Di Tommaso (AR), Diego De Benedetto (AR), Maximiliano Perez (AR)

The Garden of Curiosity is a “visual and sound objects” web support scenario. By clicking on specific objects, visitors can access audiovisual content corresponding to different Art-Science research projects linked to Muntref Arte y Ciencia. 

Photosynthetic Landscapes
UMPRUM, Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (CZ)

The technologization of the natural element is a phenomenon closely connected with the present time, and in addition to the increased efficiency of plant production, it is also negatively associated with the loss of the "natural" at the expense of the "technological". What happens if these elements support each other?

Performance of CORAIL
Edmund Campion

There is no pre-defined score for CORAIL (CORAL). CORAIL is a software environment that performs audio analysis of an incoming live signal that generates and organizes sound through the computer and the CORAIL algorithms. Persistence inside any one environment causes the program to move toward greater sound generation and machine autonomy.

The Platform
UMPRUM, Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (CZ)

The crisis of recent months is forcing us to rethink topics that we until recently took for granted. One of them is the idea of public space as an open platform for meeting people and exchanging ideas, a space without borders that is suddenly confronted with security rules. Just as these risks first affected the public areas of airports and later social public events, now the public space in general is affected by strengthen security rules.

ORCHIDEA with Composer and Lead Researcher at CNMAT
Carmine Cella

Carmine Cella is available to host a live online demonstration/workshop for ORCHIDEA, a framework for static and dynamic computer-assisted music orchestration. Orchestration consists largely of choosing combinations of sounds, instruments, and timbres that support the narrative of a piece of music. The ORCHIDEA project assists composers during the orchestration process by automatically searching for the best combinations of orchestral sounds to match a target sound, after embedding it in a high-dimensional feature space.

Journey by MUNTREF Arte y Ciencia

In order to protect the public health against the spread of COVID-19, our National Government established the regulations of social, preventive and mandatory isolation. Argentine citizens must remain in their homes and may make minimum and essential outings of no more than 500 meters. In our Journey Delivery Video, students, researchers, and other participants of MUNTREF Arte y Ciencia, made a 500-meter journey walk in their close surroundings, showing fragments of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and of it's different landscapes.