SYNTHESIZING / DISTANCING - Isolation, Ecology and Democratic Space

Synthesizing / Distancing – Video

UMPRUM, Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (CZ)

Two recent installations exhibited in different locations in Prague introduce the works The Platform, by Shota Tsikoliya and David Kovařík, and Photosynthetic Landscapes, by Veronika Miškovicová, which were created at the Studio of Architecture III at UMPRUM, the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague.

Installed in public spaces to provoke the senses about the current world we live in, these pieces force us to rethink what we take and took for granted. The Platform is presented as a data-gathering social experiment: installed over 15 square meters evoking varying sensory textures, visitors perceive the dynamics inherent in social distancing and the new realities of life in shared public spaces.

The Photosynthetic Landscapes prototype is an environmentally oriented consideration of urban greenspace and food production: weighing new approaches to the union of technology and nature, guests experience the social benefit of algae development in the utilization of limited urban space.

Project Credits / Acknowledgements

Director/Author: Štěpánka Stein, Tomáš Zumr
Editing: Eliška Vojtková