Prix Ars Electronica kicks off the year 2020

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Submissions to the Prix Ars Electronica
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(Linz, January 15, 2020) Submissions for the 2020 Prix Ars Electronica are now open. This year’s categories in the world’s most tradition-rich competition for media art are “Computer Animation,” “Dgital Communities,” “Interactive Art +” and “u19 – create your world.” Submissions to the Prix Ars Electronica are free of charge and can be sent until March 2. The winners will be awarded the coveted Golden Nicas, prize money of up to 10,000 euros per category and prominent appearances at the Ars Electronica Festival from September 9–13, 2020.

Computer Animation …
… is open to independent works of art and science as well as high-end commercial productions in the film, advertising, and entertainment industry. Artistic creativity is as important as excellent technical achievement. Submissions should be experimental, based on an expanded interpretation of computer animation that goes beyond the screen in the artistic as well as the technical sense.

Digital Communities …
… focuses on the wide-ranging field of artistic and social projects and activities that aim to deliver social benefits, create and support communities, and foster an open and inclusive civil society. Submissions should address social, cultural, environmental, educational, political issues in modern society, activities to tackle cultural diversity, gender equality, citizen empowerment, projects that defend and support democracy, human rights and freedom of expression, initiatives which develop and promote ideas and infrastructures for an inclusive and sustainable society, with innovative and artistic approach.

Interactive Art + …
… is dedicated to interactive works in all forms and formats, from installations to performances. At the top of the agenda is artistic quality in the development and design of the interaction as well as a harmonious dialog between the content level and the interaction level—that is, the inherent principles of interaction and the interfaces that implement them. Of particular interest are relevant works with an explicit sociopolitical agenda, those that represent noteworthy technological or scientific achievements, as well as works that have strong innate potential to expand the scope of human action and participation. Innovation and uniqueness are additional key criteria.

u19 – create your world …
… addresses youngsters under 19 years old and searches for future ideas and visions of the young generation. The category is divided into the age groups „Young Creatives“ (up to 14) and „Young Professionals“ (between 14 and 19) and tended nationwide in Austria. Submissions can be anything from artistic animated films, sound creations, websites, apps, scientific projects, or innovative ideas for the future.

Prix Ars Electronica – the world’s longest-running competition for media art

Since 1987, the Prix Ars Electronica has been an interdisciplinary platform for everyone who uses the computer as a universal design medium to create artistic works at the intersection of art, technology, and society. The annual competition encompasses several categories that receive thousands of submissions from all over the world. The best projects win the Golden Nica, one of the most important awards for creativity and pioneering spirit in the field of digital media. Each year, participants range from artists with worldwide recognition to creative, young shooting stars. The Prix Ars Electronica is organized by Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KG in cooperation with the OK Offenes Kulturhaus Oberösterreich. The Prix Ars Electronica is supported by the City of Linz and the Province of Upper Austria.

Golden Nicas / Photocredit: tom mesic / Printversion