Digital && Life – the major theme exhibition of Ars Electronica 2021

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(Linz, 8.9.2021) The (digital) world is out of joint, and Ars Electronica 2021 wants to crack it into shape. Together with artists, scientists, developers, activists and entrepreneurs from all over the world, the festival puts its finger on the pain points and tackles topics like seamless surveillance, the boom in conspiracy theories, digital feudalism and the gigantic ecological footprint of the WWW. But alarmism and pessimism aren’t Ars Electronica’s style. Quite the opposite: the countless artistic projects, technological prototypes, scientific experiments and civil-society initiatives at this year’s festival show that we can avoid the impending digital dystopia — and how. In the third decade of this 21st century, it’s up to us to reshuffle the cards and launch a NEW DIGITAL DEAL.

How to Make an Ocean / Kasia Molga (UK/PL) /Foto: GOSIA SIWIEC / Printversion

Made to Measure / Gruppe Laokoon (DE), Cosima Terrasse (FR) Moritz Riesewieck (DE) Hans Block (DE) / Foto: Konrad Waldmann / Printversion

Moon Rabbit / Sarah Petkus (US) and Mark J. Koch (US) / Foto: Sarah Petkus / Printversion

Growing Colors / Sabine Hild, Julia Moser, Patrik Radić, Laura Holzinger (all AT) / Foto: Julia Moser / Printversion