The concept of time in the universe and living ink

THU 4.11.2021 / 7 p.m.

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Ars Electronica Blog
Ars Electronica Home Delivery


(Linz, 2.11.2021) Trombone, guitar, percussion: jazz/crossover aficionados will get their money’s worth at Deep Space LIVE on Thursday evening, Nov. 4, 2021, when Austrian jazz and improvisation musician Werner Puntigam joins forces with his experimental musician colleagues Beat Keller and Georg Wilbertz to get Deep Space swinging. On tap are freely improvised miniatures presented with mischievous humor and pointed technique, transcending genre and style boundaries. Start is at 7.p.m., admission costs 15 euros.

Deep Space LIVE

Every Thursday at 7 p.m. (excluding holidays), the Ars Electronica Center invites you to Deep Space LIVE. High-resolution images in 16-by-9-meter format meet expert commentary, entertaining double conférences or musical improvisation. Whether it’s an art-historical investigation, a space flight, a voyage of discovery into the nanoworld or a LIVE concert, Deep Space LIVE stands for enlightening entertainment in the midst of impressive visual worlds.

Ars Electronica Home Delivery
“Ars Electronica Home Delivery” is a weekly program that includes Guided Tours of Ars Electronica exhibitions, excursions to Ars Electronica Labs, visits to the Machine Learning Studio, concerts with real-time visualizations, Deep Space LIVE sessions, workshops with engineers and talks with artists and scientists from around the world, as well as programs for schools, universities and companies. “Ars Electronica Home Delivery” aims to make the artistic-scientific examination of the future accessible to as broad an audience as possible.

PUNTIGAM-KELLER-WILBERTZ / Foto: Porgy & Bess / Printversion