WebVR Exhibition Space

Meandering between different realities, actual, hybrid and virtual, RIXC Garden program PostSensorium reflects upon an incessant evolution of the human and “more-than-human” sensoriums conditioned by new technological advancements. Located in a triangulation between three cities – Riga (LV), Boston (US) and Karlsruhe (DE), RIXC Garden program will feature Live Greenhouse Concert from Riga; an immersive screening program by young and emerging artists from Boston; and Virtual PostSensorium room for spatial webVR experiences and networked interactions.

Virtual PostSensorium room will display the immersive web based artworks that explore and combine sensory perception and experiential practices, as well as generative media and speculative fiction to redefine sensorial apparatus and project a futuristic outlook of intertwining relationships between the actual and virtual, organic and artificial, natural and techno-social, human and more-than-human..

It will feature the Atmospheric Forest (2020) by Rasa Smite (LV) and Raitis Smits (LV); a VR/360-video that immerses the viewer into a pine tree forest affected by drought due to climate change and visualizes fragrant emissions revealing the complex relations between terrestrial and atmospheric ecosystems (http://smitesmits.com/AtmosphericForest.html).

The PostSensorium WebVR space will feature also artworks by other participating RIXC Garden artists, whose original versions are Web based VR environments or 360-video.

Rasa Smite is an internationally acknowledged artist and cultural innovator, working at the intersection of art, science and emerging media since the mid-1990s. She is co-founder of RIXC Center for New Media Culture in Riga (Latvia) and co-curator of the annual RIXC Art Science festivals, and also in her artistic practice, Rasa works together with Raitis Smits as an artist duo (http://smitesmits.com). Currently she is a professor in Liepaja University’s New Media Art program, and a visiting lecturer at ACT at MIT, Boston.

Raitis Smits, is artist and curator, co-founder of RIXC, associate professor at the Art Academy of Latvia and visiting lecturer at ACT at MIT, Boston. In his artistic practice working together with Rasa Smite as an artist duo; their work has been shown in Ars Electronica Center (AT), ZKM (DE), HeK (CH), MIT Center for Theoretical Physics, Venice Architecture Biennale, and other venues. Awarded locally and internationally with PRIX Ars Electronica 1998, Award of Excellence from Ministry of Culture 2019; twice nominated for Purvitis Prize (LV), and more recently are among final (art and science) nominees of Falling Walls – Science Breakthrough of the Year 2021.


Curated by

Rasa Smite (RIXC/LV) Artists and artworks include: Kwan Q Li (HK/US). Insomniac/Amnesiac (2021) / Pohao Chi (TW/US). Plantfluencer Gazing (2021) / Weihan Jiang (CN/US). Vacuum (2021) / Weilu Ge (CN/US) and Kelon Cen (CN/US), Feed (2021) / Ieva Viksne (LV). SYNK IN (2019) / Gustavs Lociks. Digital Compost. Spectating the Groundhog Day (2019) / Christina Vinke (DE). If Plants Could Chant (2021) / Jung Eun Lee (KR/DE). Biotope (2021).