Uncanny Dream

AI & art

Helena Nikonole (RU)

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The lecture is dedicated to Artificial Intelligence in an artistic context. Going through the projects of Uncanny Dream exhibition, we will explore three of possible approaches to Neural Networks in art: aesthetic, utopian and dystopian. The first approach is focused on aesthetics of AI, the second one explores the potential limits and possibilities of the technology, and the third approach is a critical approach to technology which is more focused on ethical issues related to the implementation of AI-based technologies.

Helena Nikonole: New media artist, independent curator and educator. Ars Electronica 2019, CTM, Mutek, «Open Codes» at ZKM Museum etc. participant. Teaches Art & Science and AI & art at ITMO University, Innopolis University and Rodchenko Art School. As a curator, she focuses on critical approaches to technology. This includes the exhibitions Learning Machines (with Alexey Shulgin) and Datasets vs Mindsets (Ars Electronica Festival 2020) which she curated together with Olga Vad. (nikonole.com)


Curators: Helena Nikonole, Oxana Chvyakina Artists: Fedor Balashov aka wasdswag, Katya Galitskaya, Mitry Grankov, Gray cake, Anastasia Koroleva, Yuliya Kozhemyako aka supr, Ivan Netkachev, Xenia Obukhovskaya, Rona Peshekhonova, Alexey Ryabov, Eugene Kruglov, Pavel Seldemirov, Vladimir Sheshak, Anna Shustikova, Roman Solodkov.