MUTEK Edition 22

Montreal Life Support & Woulg present “Empty Vessels”

Montreal Life Support (CA/UK) & Woulg (CA)

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« Empty Vessels » is a uniquely complex AV performance that merges robotics, AI neural networks, classical instrumentation and experimental metaphysics. Custom-built by Montreal Life Support in order to play each string at the same time, three sophisticated robotic structures cradles as many cellos placed at the center of the installation; linked together by Woulg’s intricate web of algorithms, these automatons will independently compose evolving yet synthetic harmonies, transcending the very artists who gave them life.

David Gardener (CA/UK): better known as Montreal Life Support, was born in the United Kingdom and is now based in Montréal. He creates complex installations merging music, sound, lighting, video projections and robotics. His work aims to inspire and lift audiences from the banalities of everyday existence by shedding some light on the many facets of the universe.

Greg Debicki (CA): also known as Woulg, challenges preconceptions through glitch music, audiovisual manipulation and generative algorithms. Having studied Fine Arts in Alberta and Musical Composition in the United Kingdom, he set out to design generative software, custom hacks and interactive projections in order to push his art ever further. Now based in Montreal, Woulg performed in Europe, in the Americas and in Australia, and also notably manages Studio Marie Anne, offering classes in composition, sound design and programming.


MUTEK would like to thank its partners, who play a key role in the maintenance and development of its activities, and have provided particular support towards the production of the Festival and the Forum.

The Government of Québec, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the ministère du Tourisme du Québec, the Secrétariat à la région métropolitaine du gouvernement du Québec, the ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Conseil des arts de Montréal, the City of Montréal, FACTOR and Canada’s private radio broadcasters, the Department of Canadian Heritage, Musicaction, the British Council, the Consulat général de France à Québec, the Goethe-Institut, Tourisme Montréal, Solotech, Meyer Sound, Soundworks, BeatConnect, Zú, Place des Arts, Société des arts technologiques, Livart, Partenariat du Quartier des spectacles, Air Canada, Panasonic, Transmission, Transquébec, Akufen, Urbania, Folklore, Click & Mortar, Suoni per il Popolo, Akousma, and Audiotopie.