The information and surveillance society, climate change, human rights issues… Artists are addressing social questions in an artistic way and asking us questions in the form of their artworks. It can be called artistic journalism. In this tour, we will take a look at some of the prize-winning works from the Prix Ars Electronica 2021 that address journalism from an artistic perspective and method, and talk to the artists about their work.

Karen Palmer, a juror in the Artificial Intelligence & Life Art category, will guide us through a tour of the artist mind, motivations, methodologies and intended impact.


Karen Palmer (UK) is the Storyteller from the Future. An Award Winning International Artist and TED Speaker. She creates immersive film experiences that combine film, A.I. tech, Immersive Storytelling, Bias, Behavioural Psychology and Parkour. Articles include Wired Magazine, Forbes, PC Mag, Goethe Institute, Fast Company, Engadget, The Guardian “It leapfrogs over VR”… Exhibitions include V&A the PHI Centre, The Future of Storytelling, SXSW, The Museum of Modern Art Peru. Armoury Arts Week NYC and SIDF … Palmer has been described as a Thought Leader and has delivered keynotes all over the world including AT&T Shape Conference, Wired for Wonder Festival Microsoft, IFA+Summit and MIT to name a few. Recently she received an Honorary Mention for the STARTS Prize Ars Electronica for Perception iO, (Input Output), Enabling participants to experience the future of law enforcement. Her current project Consensus Gentium in R&D with the BFI, will be released late 2021 enables participants to experience the future today and and understand their agency within it.


Eiji Han Shimizu (JP)
TRUE NORTH / Honorary Mention – Prix Ars Electronica 2021 Computer Animation
The horrors of North Korea’s political prisons are personal to Eiji Han Shimizu (JP). Born an ethnic Korean in Japan, he grew up learning about the tragic destinies of many Korean-Japanese families who migrated to North Korea in the 60s and 70s. Some of his family friends are still missing due to successive political purges. Shimizu is a multi-award-winning filmmaker, publisher, and educator. He has produced the highly acclaimed documentary Happy (2012, USA) and published a series of graphic novels (manga) about the lives of legendary human rights advocates.

Luz María Sánchez (MX)
Vis.[un]necessary force_4 / Honorary Mention – Prix Ars Electronica 2021 Digital Musics & Sound Art
is a transdisciplinary artist exploring the political sphere of violence and power relations through multimedia constructs. Her artistic research extends to language as a techno-scientific machine and builds upon environmental urgency. Sánchez has exhibited at Ars Electronica, Linz; MUAC, Mexico City; WRO Art Biennale, Wroclaw; and ZKM, Karlsruhe. She has authored four books, curated exhibitions and conferences on new media, and presented by invitation at leading institutions such as the School of the Art Institute Chicago, the University of the Arts London UAL, and ZKM.

Paolo Cirio (IT)
Capture / Honorary Mention – Prix Ars Electronica 2021 Artificial Intelligece & Life Art
Paolo Cirio (IT) works with legal, economic, and cultural systems of the information society. He shows his research and intervention-based works through artifacts, photos, installations, videos, and public art. Cirio’s work embodies the contradictions, ethics, limits, and potentials inherent to the social complexity of information society through a provocative, critical, and proactive approach. Cirio has exhibited in museums and art institutions worldwide.

Felix Lenz (AT), Angela Neubauer (AT), Eszter Zwickl (HU)
The Cleanroom Paradox/ Honorary Mention – Prix Ars Electronica 2021 Artificial Intelligence & Life Art
Felix Lenz (AT) is a research-led artist, designer, and filmmaker based in Vienna. His analytic investigations in geopolitical, ecological, and technological matters translate in multifaceted visual outcomes, installations, and strategies. Lenz’s videography works and installations have been exhibited at international museums, festivals, and conferences. Angela Neubauer (AT) is a young creative from Vienna. Driven by curiosity, she is exploring and creating artistic work that reflects and incorporates her interests in social and natural sciences. Her latest projects aim to inform, engage, and raise questions through the means of design and storytelling. She is currently studying Design Investigations at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Eszter Noémi Zwickl (HU) is mostly focusing on social and cultural issues through art and design. She works with different media such as language and writing as well as moving imagery. Her writings, drawings, and designs were exhibited in Labor Galerie, Budapest. She is also participating in fundraising projects with other Vienna-based artists and designers.