Linz, In Kepler's Gardens, Kepler Hall

RESCUE – regeneration of disused industrial sites through creativity in Europe ist ein von der EU kofinanziertes Kooperationsprojekt zwischen Italien, Slowenien, Deutschland und Österreich. RESCUE – post-industrial dynamics von und mit Rupert Huber, Zahra Mani, Balasz Pandi und Mia Zabelka ist eine Uraufführung im Rahmen von Rescue bei Ars Electronica. Live entsteht eine klangliche Auseinandersetzung mit möglichen Zukunftsausblicken für post-industrielle Welten. Diese Zukunftsvisionen sind hoffnungsvoll und düster zugleich – neue post-pandemische Begriffe von Arbeit und Überleben kollidieren mit dystopischen Vorstellungen, räumlichen Fragmentierungen und erzwungener Distanz. Bei RESCUE findet das, was nicht in Sprache zu fassen ist, kollaborativen Ausdruck im ersten Zusammenspiel zwischen Huber, Mani, Pandi und Zabelka. Visuals des italienischen Künstlers Gavino Canu ergänzen die Live Performance. Das Stück wird am 12.9.2021 um 23:03 CET im OE1 Radiokunst-Kunstradio ausgestrahlt. Zahra Mani wird anschließend aus der Mehrkanalaufnahme eine Klanginstallation für die Vaccari-Fabrik in Santo Stefano di Magra, Ligurien im Rahmen von RESCUE schaffen.

Rupert Huber: Rupert Huber, composer, music artist and musician is based in Vienna, Austria and works internationally. Music by Rupert Huber is organized structures, sounds and tones for multiple known and unknown real and electronic spaces. His music integrates the sonification of given data such as airport soundscapes and includes telematic performances, events and concerts as well as combined live/radio/webprojects.

Balazs Pandi: Balazs Pandi is a drummer based in Budapest. His work, in various international collaborations ranging from Merzbow to Mats Gustafsson and Thurston Morre, spans hardcore thrash metal, avant jazz, noise, electronics and more.

Zahra Mani: Zahra Mani is a musician and composer. Her work focuses on spaces between. Crossing boundaries, challenging preconceptions in a flux of sound, Mani creates shifting, pulsing, explosive, whispering, murmuring, screaming, cajoling and caressing sonic worlds. She transforms fragments of natural and mechanical audio material into dynamic acoustic monuments where voices, instruments, machines, sea and wind, sound instrumental and her bass guitar sounds like raindrops, engines and monsoon winds.

Mia Zabelka: Austrian violinist, vocalist and composer Mia Zabelka is at the forefront of international electro-acoustic performance art. She developed her unique musical language in a process she calls “automatic playing,” where the music grows out of her body and gestures and finds its expression in her electric violin with electronic devices, alien objects, vocals, and acoustic violin. The violin itself becomes an interface, an electronic sound generator and thus a sound machine.

Gavino Canu: Gavino Canu is a video and visual artist from Sardinia. His work focuses on portraits of the social changes of places.


RESCUE is co-funded by the Creative Europe program of the European Union. In collaboration with Klanghaus Untergreith. With the kind support of the BMKOES and Land Steiermark Kultur. In collaboration with ORF OE1 Radiokunst-Kunstradio.