Artificial Intelligence

Alchemists of the Future – The Journey
Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
Alchemists of the Future führt Sie auf eine Reise durch Visionen und Ideen aus dem Ars Electronica Futurelab. Werfen Sie einen Blick in die Blackbox der Technologien der Zukunft, um zu entlarven was dahintersteckt, und erwerben Sie fundiertes Wissen über neue Trends und deren Auswirkungen auf weite Bereiche unseres täglichen Lebens. Lassen Sie sich in Guided Journeys von unseren Infotrainer*innen, in Special Guided Journeys durch Künstler*innen und Forscher*innen aus dem Ars Electronica Futurelab oder auch online in die Zukunft führen.

CERTH (GR), Refik Anadol (TR/US), Maurice Benayoun (HK/FR), Tyson Hosmer (UK), Anastasios Tellios (GR), Stefanos Vrochidis (GR), Georgakopoulou Nefeli (GR)
Architecture today is a multidisciplinary knowledge platform, combining input from engineering, the humanities, and the environmental, cognitive and social sciences.

Panel guests: Federica Fragapane (IT), Michela Milano (IT), Iolanda Pensa (IT), Valentina Tanni (IT), Moderated by: Federico Bomba (IT)
How can data help us in better understanding environmental and social challenges? Data are not good or bad, they simply are. Their aim is, or it should be, empowering our knowledge about the complex ecosystem we live in. But they do not speak for themselves: someone - or something - must present them in a shape so that they can produce new awareness.

Un suono in estinzione
Un suono in estinzione is an art & science project aimed at monitoring climate change implications on alpine glaciers through an artistic exploration.

Un millesimo di millimetro
Giovanni Muzio (IT)
Un millesimo di millimentro speculates about a near-future where microplastics are so pervasive in the oceans that they become part of the evolution of marine microorganisms.

Open Science Hub BLAST
Brendan Owens (IE) and Róisín McGannon (IE)
In this participative workshop Science Gallery facilitators will playfully introduce the topics of BIAS and AI. You’ll then embark on a journey of co-creation to gather specific problems with respect to these issues and rapidly ideate solutions with specific users in mind.

Citizens' Think-In with ADAPT
Dave Lewis (IE), Haleh Asgarinia (NL), Andres Chomczyk (BE), Beatriz Esteves (ES), Emma Clarke (IE), Anne Kearns (IE)
Join our workshop to discuss” Who Should we Trust with our Data?” Science Gallery Dublin invites you to join ADAPT & PROTECT researchers in a Citizens’ Think-In on Thursday 9 Sept 202, 12-13:30 BST. We Want to Hear Your Opinion!

In this pivotal new work developed in collaboration with Science Gallery Dublin, ORLAN will join us virtually from Paris in a brand new performance through a connection between the artist and the artist’s replica: ORLANOÏDE, who will perform live from the stage in the Paccar Theatre at Science Gallery at Trinity College Dublin.

Science Gallery Dublin (IE) featuring work by Mushon Zer-Aviv (IL), Libby Heaney (GB), Johann Diedrick (US), and Noah Levenson (US)
Explore AI, ethics, trust and justice by spending some time navigating and interacting with a brand-new exhibition platform designed exclusively by Science Gallery Dublin for online use.

Critical Data
Martin Zeilinger (AT/UK)
Are we witnessing a coming of “creative AI,” and the emergence of a data science that will overcome the existential perils of the Anthropocene? Or is AI, as some are warning, about to emancipate capital from humanity (rather than the other way around)? Building on the concept of algorithmic adjudication and its manifestations in tools such as AI-based digital rights management systems, this talk explores tactical uses of AI through which artists critique and disrupt the outsourcing of codified decision-making to computational agency.