AIxMusic Matinée

Hugues Vinet (FR), Philippe Esling (FR), Daniele Ghisi (FR), Jérôme Nika (FR), Ludger Brümmer (DE), Christine Bauer (AT), Peter Knees (AT), Koray Tahiroğlu (Fl/TR) , Nick Bryan-Kinns (UK)

Sonntag, 8. September 2019, 10:00 - 13:00
Alle Termine werden in der Mitteleuropäischen Sommerzeit (MESZ / UTC+2) angegeben.
POSTCITY, AIxMusic Stage

Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique (IRCAM)

Speakers: Hugues Vinet (FR), Philippe Esling (FR), Daniele Ghisi (FR), Jérôme Nika (FR)


Music Information & Music Data

Speakers: Ludger Brümmer (DE), Christine Bauer (AT), Peter Knees (AT)


Pioneering the educational field

Speakers: Koray Tahiroğlu (Fl/TR) , Nick Bryan-Kinns (UK)



Hugues Vinet, Credit: Hugues Vinet

Hugues Vinet (FR)
Hugues Vinet is Director of Innovation and Research Means of IRCAM and has managed all research, development and tech transfer activities at IRCAM since 1994. He has directed many collaborative R&D projects and is currently Coordinator of the STARTS Residencies program. He also curates the Vertigo Forum art-science yearly symposium at Centre Pompidou. He participates in various bodies of experts in the fields of audio, music, multimedia, information technology and technological innovation.

Philippe Esling (FR)
Philippe Esling received a B.Sc in mathematics and computer science in 2007, a M.Sc in acoustics and signal processing in 2009 and a PhD on data mining and machine learning in 2012. He was a post-doctoral fellow in the department of Genetics and Evolution at the University of Geneva in 2012. He is now an associate professor with tenure at Ircam laboratory and Sorbonne Université since 2013. In this short time span, he authored and co-authored over 20 peer-reviewed journal papers in prestigious journals. He received a young researcher award for his work in audio querying in 2011, a PhD award for his work in multiobjective time series data mining in 2013 and several best paper awards since 2014. In applied research, he developed and released the first computer-aided orchestration software called Orchids, commercialized at fall 2014, which already has a worldwide community of thousands users and led to musical pieces from renowned composers played at international venues. He is the lead investigator of machine learning applied to music generation and orchestration, and directs the recently created Artificial Creative Intelligence and Data Science (ACIDS) team at IRCAM.

Daniele Ghisi (FR)
Born in Italy in 1984, Daniele Ghisi studies Composition with Stefano Gervasoni and Mathematics at the University of Milano Bicocca. Between 2008 and 2011 he follows Ircam’s Cursus de composition et d’informatique musicale. In 2009-2010 he is composer in residence at the Akademie der Künste in Berlin, in 2011-2012 he is member of the Académie de France à Madrid – Casa de Velázquez. In 2012 he is research composer at Ircam. In 2013-2014 he is research assistant at the Haute École de Musique in Geneva. In 2015 he is composer in residence with the Divertimento Ensemble in Milan, recording his first monographic CD („Geografie“). In 2017 he obtains his PhD in Composition and Music Research at Ircam/UPMC/Sorbonne. He is edited by Ricordi and he currently teaches Electroacoustic Composition at the Conservatory of Genova. He is co-founder of the /nu/thing collective ( and co-creator of the project “bach: automated composer’s helper”, a real-time computer-assisted composition library (

Jérôme Nika (FR)
Jérôme Nika (FR) is a computer music designer / musician, and a researcher in human-machine musical interaction. He graduated from the French Grandes Écoles Télécom ParisTech and ENSTA ParisTech. In addition, he studied acoustics, signal processing and computer science applied to music, and composition. He specialized in the applications of computer science and signal processing to digital creation and music through a PhD (Young Researcher Prize in Science and Music, 2015; Young Researcher Prize awarded by the French Association of Computer Music, 2016), and then as a researcher at Ircam. His research focuses on the introduction of authoring, composition, and control in human-computer music co-improvisation. This work led to numerous collaborations and musical productions, particularly in improvised music (Steve Lehman, Bernard Lubat, Benoît Delbecq, Rémi Fox) and contemporary music (Pascal Dusapin, Marta Gentilucci). In 2019, he moved from the role of researcher to that of independent computer music designer / musician / researcher, and worked on 3 projects: Lullaby Experience, an evolutive project by composer Pascal Dusapin, and two improvised music projects: Silver Lake Studies, in duo with Steve, and C’est Pour ça, in duo with Rémi Fox.In 2020 he will in residency at Le Fresnoy – Studio National des Arts Contemporains.

Ludger Bruemmer, Credit: Ludger Bruemmer

Ludgar Brümmer (DE)
Ludger Brümmer works as a composer in the field of algorithmic and medial computer music as well as spatial sound. He studied composition at the Folkwang Hochschule Essen and was a fellow at CCRMA Stanford University and a Research Fellow at Kingston University London as well as Professor of Composition at SARC in Belfast. Since April 2003 he has been director of the Institute for Music and Acoustics and the Hertz Laboratory at the ZKM Karlsruhe and professor of composition in Trossingen. In 2009 he was appointed to the Akademie der Künste Berlin.

Christine Bauer (AT)
Christine Bauer is a Senior Postdoc Researcher at Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz, Austria.

Before joining JKU, she researched at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA, USA, University of Cologne, Germany, and WU in Vienna, Austria.

Her research activities are driven by her interdisciplinary background. She holds a Doctoral degree in Social and Economic Sciences and a Diploma degree in International Business Administration, both from University of Vienna, Austria. In addition, she holds a Master degree in Business Informatics from TU Wien, Austria.

Her research centers on intelligent, algorithmically-driven systems. Thereby, she takes a human-centered approach where technology follows humans’ and the society’s needs. Currently, she lays a focus on music recommender systems. She received the prestigious Elise Richter grant funded by Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and holds several best paper awards as well as awards for her reviewing activities.

Peter Knees (AT)
Peter Knees is an Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Informatics, TU Wien, Austria. He holds a Master degree in Computer Science from TU Wien and a PhD in the same field from Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz, Austria. For over 15 years, he has been an active member of the Music Information Retrieval research community, reaching out to the related fields of multimedia and text information retrieval, recommender systems, and the digital arts. His research activities center on music search engines and interfaces as well as music recommender systems, and more recently, on smart(er) tools for music creation. His work sound/tracks received a Jury Recommendation at the 14th Japan Media Arts Festival.

Nick Bryan-Kinns (UK)
Bryan-Kinns is Reader in Interaction Design and Director of Media and Arts Technology Centre at Queen Mary University of London, and Distinguished Professor at Wuhan University of Technology, China. He is Fellow of Royal Society of Arts, Senior Member ACM, and researches sonic interaction design, mutual engagement, interactive art, and cross-cultural design practice. He received his PhD in 1998.

Koray Tahiroğlu (FI/TR)
Koray Tahiroğlu is a musician, Academy Research Fellow and lecturer in the Department of Media, Aalto University School of ARTS. He is the founder and head of SOPI (Sound and Physical Interaction) research group, coordinating research projects with research interests including embodied approaches to sonic interaction, new interfaces for musical expression, deep learning with audio. He was invited as the main keynote speaker for the 7th International Audio Mostly Conference, Greece. Since 2004, he has been also teaching workshops and courses introducing artistic strategies and methodologies for creating interactive music. Tahiroğlu has performed experimental music in collaboration as well as in solo performances in Europe, North America and Australia. Last year he was awarded a 5-year Academy of Finland Research Fellowship.