The Art of Intelligent Interruption and Augmented Relationships

Harry Yeff (UK) & Domhnaill Hernon (IR), Nokia Bell Labs

Freitag, 6. September 2019, 10:00 - 11:00
Alle Termine werden in der Mitteleuropäischen Sommerzeit (MESZ / UTC+2) angegeben.
POSTCITY, AIxMusic Workshop Space

Entwicklung einer disruptiven Forschung für die nächste Phase der menschlichen Existenz. Für welche Narrative können wir Augmented Intelligence sinnvoll nutzen, und bieten KünstlerInnen eine Antwort? Harry Yeff führt uns durch sein Portfolio aus interaktiver Installation, kreativer Nutzung von maschinellem Lernen und Gesangsperformance, um das Konzept der Intelligent Interruption und Augmented Relationships zu untersuchen.

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Harry Yeff (UK)
Harry Yeff (AKA Reeps One) is a multi-disciplinary artist and musician based in London. Yeff’s
expertise in vocal musicianship and creative direction has generated an online global following,
rendering over 100 million views and recognition as a pioneer of experimental vocalism.
In 2018 Yeff completed his third artist residency at Harvard University and is currently part of the Experiments in Art and Technology program at Bell Labs.
Yeff produces work as a response to an ongoing investigation into the evolution of the human voice, art, and science. He has exhibited internationally, from the Museum of Art and Design in New York to the Tate Britain in London, as well as Milan, London and Tokyo Design weeks, SXSW, Miami Art Basel, and Sundance film festival. Yeff has become one of the most decorated and progressive lateral thinkers in the world of voice and technology.

Domhnaill Hernon (IE)
Domhnaill Hernon is an award-winning technology, innovation and creativity executive. Domhnaill received an undergrad in Aeronautical Engineering and a PhD in Aerodynamics from the University of Limerick and an executive MBA from Dublin City University, Ireland. He previously led R&D organizations and developed and executed strategies to overcome the “innovation valley of death”. He is Head of Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T) which is a new initiative he founded to fuse art and engineering/science to develop solutions that humanize technology. Domhnaill’ s work has been featured in Wired Magazine, Times Square, SXSW, Nasdaq, MWC and Inspirefest to name just a few and he advises cultural programs globally.