Activate & Participate

Freitag, 6. September 2019, 14:00 - 15:30
Alle Termine werden in der Mitteleuropäischen Sommerzeit (MESZ / UTC+2) angegeben.
POSTCITY, First Floor, Conference Hall

Moderation: Manuela Naveau (AT)
: Amanda Cox (US), Marta Peirano (ES), Lara Leik (INT) & Kathi Weissenböck (AT) für Fridays for Future (AT)

Amanda Cox (US)

Marta Peirano (ES)

Lara Leik (AT) + Katharina Weissenböck (AT)



Amanda Cox, Credit: Amanda Cox

Amanda Cox (US)
Amanda Cox is the data editor of the New York Times. She joined its graphics department in 2005, making charts and maps for the paper and its website. Since 2016, she has been the editor of The Upshot section, which offers an analytical approach to the day’s news.



Marta Peirano (ES), Credit: Marta Peirano

Marta Peirano (ES)
Marta Peirano is a Spanish writer and journalist and a long time advocate for citizen privacy, government transparency, digital security and the radical decentralization of critical infrastructure. She has been a member of multidisciplinar collective Elástico, codirector of COPYFIGHT festival and cofounder of CryptoParty Berlín, among others. She has been cofounder of two newspapers, and deputy director at Spanish national daily Her TED talk about digital surveillance has been watched more than 2 million times. Her most recent books are ‚El pequeño libro rojo del activista en la Red‘, an essay about the impact of digital surveillance with a foreword by Edward Snowden; and ‚El Enemigo conoce el sistema‘ (The enemy knows the system), on or 20 year path to digital feudalism and political manipulation online.