VR in Wonderland#1

Bàlint Budai (HU), Maša Jazbec (SLO), Aleksandra Mitic (SR), Jürgen Ropp (AT), Vanessa Vozzo (IT), Martìn Nadal (ES)


Virtual Reality (VR)-Systeme ermöglichen es den BenutzerInnen, ein Gefühl der Präsenz an einem anderen Ort als dem physischen Körper zu erleben. VR ermöglicht es den BenutzerInnen auch, sich wie jemand anderes zu fühlen, wenn sie die First-Person-Perspektive einer anderen realen Person oder eines Avatars einnehmen.

Mit Hilfe von VR-Tools und -Geräten für VerbraucherInnen, die im VR in Wonderland#1-System integriert sind, kann die Wahrnehmung des Körpers der TeilnehmerInnen in einem anderen Raum auf eine neue Perspektive gelenkt werden. Die Forschungsumgebung VR in Wonderland#1 ermöglicht es daher tatsächlich, die körperliche Wahrnehmung der TeilnehmerInnen durch Selbstlokalisierung zu manipulieren. Der natürliche Blick der TeilnehmerInnen wird durch die Vision eines kleinen Robotergerätes ersetzt, das in einem abstrakten Stadtlabyrinthmodell läuft. Beim Tragen von Head-Mounted-Displays und beim Umschauen können sich die NutzerInnen aus der Perspektive der dritten Person von unten und oben beobachten, was zu Verwirrung der Selbstlokalisierung führt. Dies ist ein gängiger Ansatz, bei dem körperliche Illusionen die körperliche Selbstwahrnehmung beeinflussen.



Maša Jazbec (SI), is an intermedia artist, curator and academic researcher. She holds a Ph.D. in human informatics, attained at the University of Tsukuba (Empowerment Informatics program) and MA in interactive art, achieved at Interface Culture program at the University of Arts and Design Linz, Austria. She is engaged and committed to the vision and execution of the Trbovlje New Media Setting project in Slovenia, and organizes projects and events integrating science, art, technology and society at the international new media culture Speculum Artium festival. She was a visiting researcher at Ishiguro Laboratory at ATR, Kyoto in Japan. Her projects, exhibited as artworks, have always shown her understanding of new media as a research artistic practice, stemming from artistic and scientific thought, linked to the current situation in the contemporary society. Her latest research interests are mostly focused in social robotics and android science. She presented her research at conferences such as Computer Human Interaction 2016, Human Robot Interaction 2017, ISEA 2017 and System Man and Cybernetics IEEE 2017. In 2018 she was in the Prix Ars Jury for ‘Interactive Art +’ category at Ars Electronica. She is currently a guest professor at Interface Culture lab at University for Arts and Design Linz, Austria. 

Aleksandra Mitic (SR) is a Serbian artist and textile designer living in Linz, Austria. She obtained her diploma in Fine Arts with an emphasis in textiles from the School of Design, and her bachelor’s degree from the Universtität für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung, where she currently attends the Interface Culture Master program. Inspired by the world around her, nature in its most playful forms, principally using traditional patterns and motifs, in both conventional and contemporary contexts, Aleksandra’s work is driven by the desire to leave something beautiful behind with every step she takes. She has participated as a designer in international fairs such as Première Vision Paris, and in the exhibition of the NEW DESIGNERS LONDON, in London. At the same time, Aleksanda Mitic designs and creates textile works of art and interactive installations, while using different media and materials 

Bàlint Budai (HU) is a visual representation and conceptual artist (based in Linz, originally from Budapest ). Researching sound and preparing audio-visual installations that are based on conceptual impressions of reality, human and „non human“ forms in the context of death. Basically he came from graphic design and has painter background, music field as a percussionist and dancer as a performer. Currently He works with different mediums and translating concepts which are representing the levels of perception. 

Jürgen Ropp (AT) is a mixed media artist currently based in Linz. He is working on the intersection of art, science and technology, trying to find inspiration from scientific patterns and new technological developments. His contemporary work is based on mixed reality technologies, which he is using in installations and performative setups. 

Vanessa Vozzo (IT) is a media artist and professor in interactive art at Polytechnic of Turin (IT) and in interactive and VR documentary at Civica Scuola di Cinema “Luchino Visconti” of Milan (IT). She leads project works at the University of Turin (IT) since 2007. She founded the collaborative new media art platform Officine Sintetiche and she’s attending the Interface Culture Master Program in Linz (AT).