
Post-Intelligent Artificial Humanism
University of Applied Science Berlin – School of Culture and Design, Department of Communication Design (DE)
Let’s create a new form of humanism together with Artificial Intelligence that will bring with it neither dystopia nor utopia, but realistic and desirable future scenarios.

Immersive Sounds – External Worlds
Anton Bruckner Private University, Linz (AT)
Since 2016, Anton Bruckner Private University has been hosting the Sonic Saturday symposium and concert as part of the Ars Electronica Festival. For this year’s festival we will organize a research student meeting to allow for an informal, hands-on, in-person exchange of ideas of artistic researchers working in the field of immersive audio.

Von schwarzen Schwänen ...
Kunstuniversität Linz (AT)
… oder pinken Tauben? Der Kunstunicampus zum Ars Electronica Festival versucht das scheinbar Unmögliche zu denken, das Undenkbare zu visionieren. Vor allem sollen Bilder und Metaphern ermöglicht werden, die eine Gestaltungskraft in sich tragen und uns inspirieren, uns selbst ein Bild unserer Welt zu machen.