Sound Campus – Workshop
Seffen Korritsch / Noisio (DE), Alwin Weber (DE)

Ballet Metanique
Korea National University of Art | K-ARTS (KR), Pohang University of Science and Technology (KR)

K-ART presents an on-site VR immersive performance collaborated with Pohang University of Science and Technology, Ballet Metanique is a reimagination of Ballet with the social and technical apparatus of Metaverse in the age of global warming.

CAMPUS Exhibition

Das Ziel des Campus-Formats ist es, herausragende internationale Universitäten einzuladen, die in den akademischen Bereichen Medienkunst und Design arbeiten. Die hier vorgestellten Projekte zeigen die Aktivitäten der eingeladenen Gastuniversitäten aus aller Welt.

Time-Based and Interactive Media Art, Linz Art University (AT)

In the eleventh edition of the *TIME OUT* exhibition series, students from the “Time-Based and Interactive Media Art” program at the Linz Art University will once again be showing selected works at the Ars Electronica Center.

Tata Frenkel (LT)

This is a performative lecture during which a certain socio-poetic reference book called Anti-saving Instrumentary is taught. These are anti-preservation instruments. Mental drawings, verbal constructs, tornadoes. [ɡrɐˈza] concerns the methods of excessive interpretation — which the author creates here and now based on the principle of synecdoche.

You and I, You and Me
Mindaugas Gapsevicius (LT) in collaboration with Maria Safronova Wahlström (SE)

You and I, You and Me explores the possibilities of communication through electricity. It proposes that electricity could help to reveal the imperceptible connections between different actors within the environment. How far could electricity help in understanding others? Is there a possibility to alter human senses by electric impulses? The participatory event invites the audience to imagine the future and to experience the environment by wearing jewelry, shoes, and headwear.

Buffer Overflow the Mindframes!
Bauhaus-University Weimar (DE)

The students present a live improvised audiovisual concert where the sound component is on an equal footing with the video. The dramaturgy follows a clear line and combines numerous abstract forms of visualization and programming. Buffer Overflow the Mindframes! refers to the rise of pop-cultural references in digital media in the early 2000s, but instead of the tedious processes of that time, improvisation and recombination are part of the artistic expression.

Future Visions - Get-Together

Nach zwei Jahren fruchtbarer Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Online-Garten sind wir endlich in der Lage, uns vor Ort zu treffen.

Sound Campus
University of Art and Design Linz (AT)

For three days, Sound Campus will create a field of action in the courtyard at Hauptplatz 6 for experimental music, installative space-sound concerts, performances, soundscape and DJ sessions, as well as open encounters in workshops, discussions and presentations as part of Ars Electronica.

Von schwarzen Schwänen ...
Kunstuniversität Linz (AT)

… oder pinken Tauben? Der Kunstunicampus zum Ars Electronica Festival versucht das scheinbar Unmögliche zu denken, das Undenkbare zu visionieren. Vor allem sollen Bilder und Metaphern ermöglicht werden, die eine Gestaltungskraft in sich tragen und uns inspirieren, uns selbst ein Bild unserer Welt zu machen.