Teletext is Art
Bloom Jr. (DE), Buzzlightning (DE), Gleb Divov (LT/RU), Christoph Faulhaber (DE), Max Haarich (DE), Juha van Ingen (FI), KleinTonno (DE), Claudie Linke (DE), Nissla (AT), Numo (DE), Quasimondo (DE), Jarkko Räsänen (FI), Mamadou Sow (DE), sp4ce (DE) and tius (DE)
The teletext exhibition “Teletext is Art” will be shown in a presentation at Deep Space 8K. Five of the participating artists present their artworks, provide insights into the technical implementation of teletext artworks and the aspect of immortalization as NFTs in the blockchain.
PIXELS by CryptoWiener
CryptoWiener (AT)
Die CryptoWiener erobern das Metaverse im Linzer OK. Mit ihren realen Pixelarbeiten übersetzen sie die digitale Welt in den analogen Ausstellungsraum und schaffen ein mehrdimensionales Erlebnis — ein permanenter Wechsel zwischen digitaler und analoger Welt.
Project Percentage
Yi-Wen Lin (TW), Lien-Cheng Wang (TW), Aluan Wang (TW), Jinyao Lin (TW), Che-Yu Wu (TW), Newyellow (TW)
Project Percentage is a nonprofit social innovation experiment based in Taiwan, combining digital art and social action. With the total number of 10,000 generative art NFTs, Project Percentage takes the number of the creations as a symbol of the landscapes "the top 100 peaks" in Taiwan. Collectors are invited to form a DAO, and all donations will be pooled with cryptocurrency public funds. There will be an exhibition of generative art of Project Percentage and an audiovisual performance.