Katja Schechtner

Pronouns: she/her

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Katja Schechtner is an urban scientist who advises global governments and businesses on how they can build the cities of the future. Previously, she developed technology and innovation policy at the OECD in Paris, led infrastructure programs at the ADB in Manila and a research lab at AIT in Vienna. As part of the MIT Senseable City Lab in Boston, she regularly publishes her work, which has also been featured at the Architecture Biennale in Venice, Ars Electronica in Linz, and the Seoul Biennale for Urbanism, among others. 

hosts Fireside Chat: Careers at the Crossroads of Art, Science, and Business 

hosts workshop: IDSA what and how? Inventing the University of the Future

hosts Expert Talk by Martin Polaschek: The role of a new university for digitalization in strengthening Austria in the European Higher Education Area

hosts Expert Talk by Leonore Gewessler: The realities of policy negotiations on the European level – insights from EU Ministerial Level Negotiations on Transport and Energy Policy Making