Chapter 3: Robots, Machines and Tangibles


Moral Machines – Living with robots that care and scare.

The third chapter of the FOUNDING LAB Fall Term explores the relationship between humans and machines. Led by Fellows Edwina Portocarrero, Nan Zhao, and RAY LC, the chapter explores the evolution of machines, their current role and future perspectives.

Students are encouraged to imagine themselves as futuristic machines and are immersed in the research of the Ars Electronica Futurelab, including swarm robotics and innovative projects such as Space Ink. Through workshops on human-robot interaction and a visit to a metal goods factory, students experience different dimensions of machines. Finally, in the Drone Design Challenge, they design creative performances that illustrate the relationship between humans and machines in an intelligent, profound and impressively versatile future. 

Hosted by: Edwina Portocarrero, Nan Zhao, RAY LC and Catalyst Peter Holzkorn 

November 22-25, 2023

Ars Electronica Blog: Between machines and humankind: A glimpse into technological developments