Wet & Sexy: Bioart, Creative Activism and a Collaborative Uterus  

Charlotte Jarvis, Dr. Patricia Saragüeta


In this workshop students will gain an introduction to Bioart, post-diciplinary art / science practice, and collaborartive methodology.

We will be questioning the future of reproduction, how art and science can be a ‘portal’ to the world(s) we want to materialize and seeking ‘other’ perspectives on sex and gender. Students will have an opportunity to participate in the project Organ of Radical Care: Una Matriz Colaborativa, which seeks to grow a collaborative uterus. Students will be designing and making parts of the project for presentation at the ARS Electronica Festival and testing their outcomes in a form of public experimentation at the end of the workshop – this will take the form of a procession / march through Linz from the ARS Biolab to the POSTCITY.

August 26, 2023, 14:30 – 17:00
AEC Workshop room/Biolab

August 28, 2023, 14:00 – 17:00
AEC Workshop room/Biolab

hosted by Charlotte Jarvis, Patricia Saragüeta