Workshop: IDSA what and how? Inventing the University of the Future


In this workshop, the IDSA Founding President and Convent Members join us to jointly develop and hear our vision for the university of the future. This workshop does not only help us in developing our festival outputs, but is also a possibility to develop our visions together with those who will implement them. What are the topics that a new university needs to engage with and how do we develop the skills to do this? What is our understanding of academic disciplines and how do we shape them to investigate the problems of our times? What do we need to know and how can we learn it – what do we want to know and how can we teach it? What kind of space is a university and how do we build it in the virtual and in the physical world?.

August 29, 2023, 10:00 – 13:00
(Linz, Bahnhofplatz) – FOUNDING LAB – Lovelace Auditorium (OG2)

with Stefanie Lindstaedt, Katja Schechtner, Christopher Lindinger, Johanna Pirker, Vanessa Hannesschläger