Ars Electronica Gardens Performances

  • Swirling Senses

    Swirling Senses

    Guillaume Pascale (FR) + Alice Jarry (CA), Marie-Pier Boucher (CA)

    Das Projekt Swirling Senses schafft ein immersives Erlebnis, das die digitale und die physische Welt miteinander verbindet. Durch die Integration von Virtual Reality mit Bühnenbildern, Klanglandschaften, Düften und Puppentheater manipuliert die Umgebung unsere Sinne, um einen gesteigerten Realitätssinn zu erzeugen.

  • Partitions itératives with the data of Symphony of the Stones

    Partitions itératives with the data of Symphony of the Stones

    Guillaume Pascale (FR) + Alice Jarry (CA), Marie-Pier Boucher (CA) + Juliette Lusven (FR) + Brice Ammar-Khodja (FR)

    Partitions itératives is a series of performances consisting of composing music with data streams, generally from outer space objects.

  • Partitions itératives

    Partitions itératives

    Guillaume Pascale (FR) + Alice Jarry (CA), Marie-Pier Boucher (CA) + Juliette Lusven (FR) + Brice Ammar-Khodja (FR)

    Partitions itératives ist eine Reihe von Performances, bei denen die Musik aus Datenströmen komponiert wird, die in der Regel von Objekten im Weltraum stammen.

  • You Are BUTIFL: Tackling AI fears through interactive play

    You Are BUTIFL: Tackling AI fears through interactive play

    Clara Francesca (AU/IT), Anne Wichmann aka She’s Excited! (DE), Brittany Kurtinecz (US), Whitt Sellers (US)

    XRE presents You Are BUTIFL, tackling the conversation surrounding AI fears and reflect on how we must flow with the times, whilst also commune, pausing to prevent collective pain. The show combines performance art with a state-of-the-art multimedia installation under the influence of OpenAI ChatGPT and Wombo Dream AI.

  • Ceremony for Sensory Voyage: Taiwan’s Metaverse Exploration

    Ceremony for Sensory Voyage: Taiwan’s Metaverse Exploration

    Hsin-Chien Huang (TW), Billy Chang (TW)

    Situated amidst the Pacific Ocean and Taiwan Sea Strait, Taiwan offers diverse landscapes adorned with dense mountains and mystical mist. Here at the Ars Electronica Festival, the awe-inspiring grandeur of Taiwan comes to life through AI landscapes projected on a six-meter screen.

  • HYPHEN HUB: Non Fuckable Tokens (NFTs)

    HYPHEN HUB: Non Fuckable Tokens (NFTs)

    Claudix Vanesix (PE)

    How does the development of new technologies shape our self-perception? Non Fuckable Tokens (NFTs) is a performance by Claudix Vanesix, XR artist from Peru, that combines performance art with virtual reality and augmented reality to critically display the impact of technology in our era.

  • Multi-Node Shell

    Multi-Node Shell

    Luca Pagan (IT) presented by Umanesimo Artificiale (IT)

    Multi-Node Shell is a performance by Luca Pagan and presented by Umanesimo Artificiale, which utilizes biosensors to explore sound potential as a language through body movement perception. Neural networks process sensor data, serving a dual role.

  • Metabolo: Food Data Digestion

    Metabolo: Food Data Digestion

    Valerie Tameu (IT)

    During the festival, Metabolo’s installation will be animated by Valerie Tameu’s performance: a techno-spiritual ritual that questions the possibility of using technology to promote other forms of intelligence and culture, creating an ecosystem of mutual influence between the human body, AI, marine ecosystems and the West/Equatorial African spiritual world.

  • Disco Planet: Letheia

    Disco Planet: Letheia

    Do Mayer (DE), Hen/I (US/DE), Anke Schlünsen-Rico (DE)

    The performance and video installation Disco Planet: Letheia takes a philosophical 3D landscape as backdrop to inquire into the plant/human/animal relations to themselves and their embeddedness in environment/society.

  • Tempeh Universe Special Lunch

    Tempeh Universe Special Lunch

    Mona Liem (ID), Rinda Hedwig (ID), Chef Trias (ID)

    We will serve the results of the I-Tempeh machine, which is tempeh in a variety of cooking methods.