We looked at several examples of how Artificial Intelligence, Big Data or Machine Learning are used in the containment of the coronavirus, and the problems, opportunities and challenges they present.
Ein “Donkey Car” ist ein selbstfahrendes Auto im Miniformat, ein ferngesteuertes Auto, das trainiert wird, um eigenständig einen Parcours bewältigen zu können. Im Rahmen der Themenwochen KI findet der Open Workshop “Donkey Training” statt, bei dem BesucherInnen mithilfe Künstlicher Intelligenz einem Roboauto das autonome Fahren beibringen können. Wir haben eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für euch zusammengestellt, wie…
We tried for you how to compose music with the Deep Neural Network “MuseNet” from OpenAI and made a step-by-step guide based on it. If you want to learn more about composing music using AI, you should visit the Open Soundstudio at the Ars Electronica Center and participate in the “MuseNet Special” workshop.
Digitalisation is on everyone’s mind. Artificial intelligence surrounds us in many everyday situations and moves into our most intimate living spaces. Everything is connected, we are constantly online. Is there still a life without the World Wide Web? Why shop yourself when the refrigerator can do it alone? Of the comforts and dangers of a…
After his visit to the Ars Electronica Festival, Roberto Viola, Director General of DG CONNECT (Directorate General of Communication, Networks, Content and Technology) at the European Commission, talks in this guest article about how important it is to involve art in the further development of AI technology.
“The Fractured Mirror,” anthropologist and digital ethnographer Beth Singler’s talk at the Ars Electronica Festival’s Theme Symposium on September 7, 2018, will elaborate on artificial intelligence’s effects on us human beings. She gives us an introduction to her topic in this interview.
How would it be if everything that surrounds us is intelligent and it’s no longer possible for human beings to perceive what’s happening in the Internet of Things? Professor Alois Ferscha of Johannes Kepler University Linz introduces us to the world of networked thinking things.
The 3-D short film entitled “Physicians’ Colleague, Patients’ Helper: The Cognitive Computer” will be running in Deep Space 8K at the Ars Electronica Center beginning in May. This film explains how deep neural networks can facilitate the evaluation of medical data, and how this is changing both the physician’s role and the doctor-patient relationship.
Artificial intelligence is the theme of this year’s Ars Electronica. The 2017 media art festival’s encapsulating motif is provided by the “Beyond Humans” research project. The respective roles played by the android and the chimp depicted in this image were elaborated on by the project’s scholarly director, Ramiro Joly-Mascheroni.