Humans have created robots to serve us as work-saving devices, but their capabilities now go far beyond that. The new “Creative Robots” exhibition at the Ars Electronica Center shows just how far. A chat with Johannes Braumann of Linz Art University and Wolfgang Schinnerl of KUKA Roboter CEE.
Chris Noelle has come up with a wrinkle that takes the photographic technique of light painting to the next level! He uses the precision and speed of an industrial robot to create “brushstrokes” of light in space.
Motorists will soon be sharing the road with robot cars on a daily basis. In cooperation with Mercedes-Benz, the Ars Electronica Futurelab is investigating ways to enable us to communicate effectively with the self-driving vehicles that are coming our way.
The Blind Robot by Louis-Philippe Demers (CA) has received a Honorary Mention in Hybrid Art at the Prix Ars Electronica 2013. It was on display during the CyberArts 2013 at TOTAL RECALL – The Evolution of Memory and is part of The Lab, an exhibition curated by Ars Electronica for the ITU Telecom World 2013.
One small step for him, one giant leap for robot-kind. On the 4th of August 2013, the crew of the International Space Station ISS gains a new member. A robotic one, named Kirobo and only 34 centimeters in body height. His mission: having chats with the human astronauts. Being their moral support. Martina Mara from…
On March 9, 2013 the Ars Electronica visited the Robots on Tour Congress Exhibition held in Zürich, Switzerland.
Digital vs. real identity, “invented” identity, identity theft, things that you intentionally divulge and those you reveal unknowingly
At the press conference held in conjunction with the opening of “Robots – Human and Machine?” we asked Bodo-Michael Baumunk (curator), Christopher Lindinger (head of R&D at the Ars Electronica Futurelab), Gabriele Zuna-Kratky (director of Vienna’s Museum of Technology) and Helene Wagner (project supervisor) to tell us how the exhibition came about and give us…
Robots, robots, robots—those that do nasty, dangerous jobs without complaint, those that can bear the heaviest loads and are fluent in all the world’s languages. We’ve seen them in books and movies, but rarely in everyday life. Though we’re already well into the 21st century, most of our homes aren’t yet staffed by a domestic…
Entering the Ars Electronica Center’s Main Gallery, the AEC’s largest exhibition space, brings you face-to-face with “New Views of Humankind.” The installation is divided into four themes, which this blog will elaborate on over the coming weeks. Let’s start things off with Robotinity.