Turbulence / Melt (PL), photo: Ars Electronica / Robert Bauernhansl

Deep Space 8K: Cultural Heritage and Media Arts

In Deep Space 8K the future meets the past! No place else of earth are images, videos and apps staged as impressively as they are here.

On 16-by-9-meter projection surfaces on the wall and floor. In 8K resolution. In 3-D and via interactive laser tracking. With incredible brilliance and brightness. This extraordinary setting, Deep Space 8K, is precisely where we will present you world-famous artistic and cultural treasures in ways that you’ve never experienced them before.

With its large-scale wall and floor projections and laser tracking system, Deep Space 8K offers a challenging infrastructure for media artists. When adapting existing works, but especially when designing original installations, the artists enter new territory. The position of the visitors within the projection surface and their participation require a well thought-out image composition; the resulting dynamics must be considered in the concepts.

  • Cooperative Aesthetic – Curves

    Cooperative Aesthetic – Curves

    In Curves the changes of visitors’ positions in the space generate curves that connect up into blood-vessel-like structures.

  • Cooperative Aesthetic – Geometric Soundscape

    Cooperative Aesthetic – Geometric Soundscape

    In “Geometric Soundscape” the relationships between sound, visualization, motion and position are to be tested in space.

  • Cooperative Aesthetic – Sinus

    Cooperative Aesthetic – Sinus

    In Sinus, visitors walk across the projection surface and—individually or as a group—impart vibrations to sine waves several meters in length.

  • Creative AI – StyleTransfer

    Creative AI – StyleTransfer

    StyleTransfer is a technique from the field of artificial intelligence (Deep Learning) with which everyday images can be transformed into an artistic and painterly style.

  • CyArk


    The colorful spectrum includes the ancient Maya city of Tikal in Guatemala, the cathedral of Beauvais, France, the cliff dwellings of Mesa Verde National Park in the U.S., and St. Sebald, a medieval church in Nuremberg, Germany.

  • Ebstorf Map

    Ebstorf Map

    It is the largest circle map of the Middle Ages. Although it was destroyed in the Second World War, it could be saved for posterity thanks to photographic recordings.

  • Egon Schiele – a closer look at Trude Engel

    Egon Schiele – a closer look at Trude Engel

    Learn exciting stories about the creation of the portrait of the dentist’s daughter and discover in this gigapixel photo what is behind the portrait.

  • In the footsteps of the Romans in Upper Austria

    In the footsteps of the Romans in Upper Austria

    The technological progress does not pass by archaeology without any trace. On the contrary, laser beams are increasingly scanning historic sites and valuable cultural relics in order to keep them preserved for future generations in digital form and to make them available for science and the general public.

  • Inside Bruegel

    Inside Bruegel

    2019 marked the 450th anniversary of the death of Pieter Bruegel the Elder, the outstanding painter of the Dutch Renaissance.

  • Kooperative Ästhetik – Colour Bars

    Kooperative Ästhetik – Colour Bars

    At “Color Bars”, visitors to Deep Space 8K try to define a specific color together.

  • La Grande Odalisque

    La Grande Odalisque

    La Grande Odalisque is an oil painting from 1814 by the French painter Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres.

  • Millionenzimmer


    The private reception room of Empress Maria Theresa in the Residence Palace Schönbrunn is distinguished by its particularly sumptuous and exotic furnishings.

  • Notre-Dame Immersive

    Notre-Dame Immersive

    After the devastating fire in 2019, Notre-Dame de Paris rises from the ashes as an immersive experience. In collaboration with French start-ups Iconem and Histovery, the Ars Electronica Futurelab is bringing the cathedral into Deep Space 8K.

  • Prima Materia – a stereoscopic audiovisual journey

    Prima Materia – a stereoscopic audiovisual journey


    Alchemical authors have compared the “prima materia” to everything. To male and female, to the hermaphroditic monster, to heaven and earth, to body and spirit, chaos, microcosm, and the confused mass.

  • Railway Bridge Linz

    Railway Bridge Linz

    Dive into the 3-D visualization of the railway bridge and learn interesting facts about research, technology and history of steel construction.

  • Sacred works of art from Austria

    Sacred works of art from Austria

    The list of Sacred works of art from Austria that you can admire in Deep Space 8K is long.

  • Saliera


    Take a close look at the probably most famous salt cellar from the 16th century.

  • Singing Sand 2.0

    Singing Sand 2.0

    Grains of sand resembling visual particles are sonified by mapping their individual velocities to various parameters of individual grains inside a custom-made granular synthesizer. Velocities also determine the color of the particles, which together create a spectrum of colors and sounds.

  • Sounding Letters

    Sounding Letters

    Many attempts have been made to put music into words. But what happens when you translate a sequence of letters into music with the help of artificial intelligence?

  • Tabula Peutingeriana

    Tabula Peutingeriana

    Experience the huge Tabula Peutingeriana as gigapixel photo at the Deep Space 8K, an illustrated itinerarium (ancient Roman road map) showing the layout of the road network of the Roman Empire.

  • Tango in Wonderland

    Tango in Wonderland

    David Szauder (HU)

    This dance uses Artificial Intelligence to create unexpected social situations in an ever-changing environment that take the audience out of their comfort zone.

  • The Scottish Ten

    The Scottish Ten

    The Scottish Ten is a five-year project that aims to create extraordinarily precise digital models of the five UNESCO World Cultural Heritage sites located in Scotland and five heritage sites in other countries.

  • The Virtual Nativity of the Linz St. Mary’s Cathedral

    The Virtual Nativity of the Linz St. Mary’s Cathedral

    Restaged as an interactive and audiovisual 3D Christmas experience, the more than century-old nativity scene by Munich sculptor Sebastian Osterrieder from Linz’s St. Mary’s Cathedral also shines in perfect splendor in the virtual reality of Deep Space 8K.

  • The virtual reconstruction of the synagogue in Linz

    The virtual reconstruction of the synagogue in Linz

    As part of his diploma thesis, René Mathe has set the goal of virtual reconstruction of the synagogue in order to make it accessible to today’s view. His work is the basis for the 3-D visualization by the Ars Electronica Futurelab, which allows a virtual tour through the Linz Synagogue in the Deep Space 8K.

  • The Voynich Manuscript

    The Voynich Manuscript

    It is the most mysterious manuscript in the world: neither his exact age, origin nor author are known.

  • Transient – Impermanent Paintings

    Transient – Impermanent Paintings

    A virtuoso sound painting by the Italian artists Quayola and Seta.

  • Venice Revealed: Grand Palais Immersif and Iconem

    Venice Revealed: Grand Palais Immersif and Iconem

    Venice – a marvel of technology, architecture and art – has been battling the sea for centuries. Experience a 3D reconstruction of the city thanks to state-of-the-art technology and discover it from a completely new perspective.

  • Venus in a Landscape

    Venus in a Landscape

    Experience the Venus – a popular subject for painters such as Lucas Cranach the Elder – in high resolution at the Deep Space.

  • Venus of Willendorf

    Venus of Willendorf

    The Venus of Willendorf is a 11.1-centimetre (4.4 in) high statuette of a female figure estimated to have been made between about 28,000 and 25,000 BCE.