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Co-Commissioned Artwork by Simple Noodle Art

(Deutsch) Simple Noodle Arts' latest installation, an AI-driven interactive video system that shifts narrative perspectives based on audience emotions, is ...

More than 112,000 visits

(Deutsch) 1260 Künstler*innen, Wissenschaftler*innen, Entwickler*innen, Unternehmer*innen und Aktivist*innen aus 67 Ländern waren in den vergangenen fünf T ...

Ars Electronica Festival 2024 with Record

(Linz, September 9, 2024) 1,260 artists, scientists, developers, entrepreneurs and activists from 67 countries were guests in Linz over the past five ...

Ars Electronica Festival 2024 verzeichnet Rekord

(Linz, 9.9.2024) 1.260 Künstler*innen, Wissenschaftler*innen, Entwickler*innen, Unternehmer*innen und Aktivist*innen aus 67 Ländern waren in den verga ...

Rekord: Mehr als 112.000 Besuche bei der Ars Electronica 2024

Einmal mehr hat das Ars Electronica Festival gezeigt, worauf es ankommt: Raum, Zeit und eine Atmosphäre zu schaffen, in der Menschen miteinander ins G ...

A record: More than 112,000 visits to Ars Electronica 2024

Once again, the Ars Electronica Festival has shown what it is all about: creating space, time and an atmosphere in which people can exchange ideas and ...

S+T+ARTS Ausstellung & HOPE: the touch of many

(Linz, 4.9.2024) Das diesjährige Ars Electronica Festival widmet sich Menschen und Initiativen, die trotz globaler Krisen Hoffnung vermitteln – und zw ...

S+T+ARTS Exhibition & HOPE: the touch of many

(Linz, September 4, 2024) The Ars Electronica Festival 2024 is dedicated to people and initiatives who, in spite of global crises, convey hope and dem ...

AE Solutions @ Festival 2024

Towards Hope – Transforming Perspectives Ars Electronica Solutions sees itself as a link and mediator between society and businesses, cultural institu ...

Roma Janus

Studied theater, film and media studies at the University of Vienna and cultural management at the Institute for Cultural Concepts in Vienna. Roma Jan ...