“You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves, an irrational fear of the unknown. But there’s no such thing as the unknown — only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood.“
Captain James T. Kirk
Bringing the Futurelab’s art and visions to as many people as possible — that’s Bernadette’s mission. After all, as a pupil she herself discovered the Ars Electronica Center as a very special place, where her love for science and technology was nurtured.
Bernadette then studied communication science in Vienna and put her passion to work as a journalist: Besides reporting on politics, she wrote about scientific discoveries and technology — from cyber security and robotics to gaming and the exploration of space. High-quality journalism, coupled with accessible language, was particularly important to her – in order to inspire the widest possible audience.
After some time in marketing in Germany, Bernadette is now back at the starting point for her passion. Here she continues what is close to her heart: passing on the fascination for science, art and technology.