Ars Electronica Mix: Museum of the Future – School of the Future

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Thu May 7, 2020, 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
All times are given in Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2).

The Ars Electronica Center is expanding and redefining the classic term “museum” with specially developed educational formats for all ages from 4 years of age. Thanks to our special educational programs and workshops, the “Museum of the Future” has also earned the title of “School of the Future. In recent years, tens of thousands of students have taken advantage of the extensive educational opportunities offered by this well-established school program. The Ars Electronica Center has thus developed into a popular extracurricular learning venue not only in the region.

AI in kindergarten? Pluripotent cells in elementary school? Earth observation for 8-year-olds? A philosophy lab for young people or citizen science & climate activism for everyone? Our team is constantly developing new formats and offers for extracurricular learning. Here we give you an insight into the educational part of our museum.