Fabricio Lamoncha is an artist, designer and researcher from Spain, currently based in Linz. His practices explore the entanglements of media ecology and bioethics. After graduating MA at Interface Cultures, Kunstuniversität Linz, he moved to Berlin to be part of the Design Research Lab, UdK. Since 2016 he is back in Linz to work as technical assistant and lecturer at the Interface Cultures department, and since 2018 he has been pursuing his PhD under the supervision of Univ. Prof. Dr. Christa Sommerer. He is member of the UCLA’s Art|Sci Center, led by UCLA Prof. Dr. Victoria Vesna, and regular instructor at the Sci|Art Lab+Studio summer program, Los Angeles. His work has been exhibited internationally and awarded with the Art and Artificial Life International Award Vida14.
Together with Manuela Naveau he spoke about the workshop The Offline Gallery and its results, which will be exhibited as part of the exhibition CCI Lab: Fostering Cultural and Creative Industries at Ars Electronica Center starting THU 22.4. The workshop was executed in cooperation with the scientific partner Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems Chemnitz and the cultural partner Klub Solitaer e. V..