ESA’s Earth Observation Facility (ESRIN) in Frascati, Italy hosts the Φ-Experience – an multimedia centre, comprising an Earth observation data visualization facility. The objective of the “Φ-Experience” is to use interactive display technologies to increase awareness and visibility of ESA’s Earth observation programs and applications. Through this, it is expected to improve the understanding of the benefits of Earth observation for monitoring global change. In order to demonstrate the relevance and value of Earth observation regarding environmental and socioeconomic benefits the journey takes us with a virtual presentation to the “Φ-Experience“. This will demonstrate climate change aspects from an orbital perspective, using satellite images and new views of Earth. A side aspect will be the situation during the COVID pandemic giving insight into the human impact on our planet.
Ars Electronica Solutions presented their work on this project in Deep Space 8K as part of the Ars Electronica Festival 2020.
Credit: Mario Pietravalle