Deep Space LIVE: Cosmic light – from the Big Bang to today

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Thu Jan 28, 2021, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
All times are given in Central European Time (CET / UTC +1).

Light is commonplace and accompanies us constantly throughout our lives, yet its true nature is difficult to understand. This light from the cosmos is as diverse as the colour palette of painters, and for astronomers it is the most important key to deciphering hidden cosmic mysteries.

We humans can see part of this “colour palette of light”, but the majority remains invisible to our eyes. Modern astrophysics makes the whole palette of cosmic light visible, and so today we can look back almost to the beginning of the world, billions of years into the past.

The lecture is dedicated to the topic from a cosmic perspective, and brings some light into the darkness of this most familiar of everyday phenomena.

About Dr Peter Habison
Space is his focus and passion: Peter Habison, astronomer, physicist and science historian, is Head of Science Communication of the European Southern Observatory ESO for Austria. Previously, he managed the Kuffner & Urania Observatory and the Planetarium of the City of Vienna for many years. He has published over 50 scientific and popular science papers, and in 2014 his book “Weltraum-Land Ă–sterreich Pioniere der Raumfahrt erzählen” (Space Country Austria Pioneers Tell Stories) was published.

Credit: ESO/H. Drass et al.(Creative Commons CC BY 4.0)