untamed (German: ungezähmt) – this is the first playing instruction in Wem gehört der Mensch…? by Werner Pirchner. This also applies precisely to the composing method as well as to the person of the composer, who has already been described as a witty saboteur and role model for the refreshing spirit of creative subversion. His music is permeated with punchy energy, which breaks through in a primal way.
The attribute untamed may also apply to the ecstatic climax in Plainscapes by Pēteris Vasks. The musical description of a landscape begins weightlessly and absolutely magically as a vision of the dawning day and the awakening nature, until finally darkness enters with climactic, rhythmically intricate passages.
trio verve:
Piano: Suyang Kim
Violin: Bernhard Metz
Violoncello: Manuel Von Der Nahmer
MONOCOLOR alias Marian Essl
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