Inside Futurelab: Meta Sketching – guest presentation by Mike Jelinek

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Mon Feb 22, 2021, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
All times are given in Central European Time (CET / UTC +1).

“Our mind is connected to our body as well as to our environment. We recognize and discover the world around us through our bodies. Sketching is an example of very natural externalization of the human thinking process. It has never been something synthetic or artificial.”

With his guest presentation Meta Sketching Mike Jelinek – Artist, Designer, and Senior Product Manager at Wacom – explores all the sketching and design process’s meta-aspects. It explores the concept of a sketch as a form of visual exploration, it explains techniques and parameters of visual ideation and perception and embodied creativity. In the scope of the Inside Ars Electronica Futurelab Guest Presentations– developed initially as a Lab-internal education and knowledge exchange platform – we share amazing insights to the latest research at an international interface between art, technology, and science.

Mike Jelinek is an artist and concept designer who has worked on projects such as Future Ink (Ars Electronica & Wacom) and Dubai’s Museum of the Future as well as cinema projects like Terminator: Dark Fate. Notwithstanding his design background, he describes himself as passionate about ideation and human perception in the design context, which is a subject matter of his doctorate research.

The presentation is hosted by Maria Pfeifer, Key Researcher & Artist at Ars Electronica Futurelab, whose work focuses on Future Narratives, Art Thinking, art-inspired innovation and the collaboration between art and science.

Learn more about Ars Electronica Futurelab.