Based on the concept of Cooperative Aesthetics, developed by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard Funk, students of Time-based and Interactive Media Art at the University of Arts and Design Linz and Prof. Funk have created 30 artworks for the Deep Space of the Ars Electronica Center since 2015. These projects will now be presented weekly until July 2021 in the course of an Ars Electronica Home Delivery series. Using the lasertracking system of the Deep Space the artworks enable visitors to have a collective, audiovisual, aesthetic experience.
In Christian Berger’s work „Particle Collage“ there are particles on the floor that belong to each person in the room and his or her particular color circle. In addition, square fields also appear on the floor and each person is supposed to step on the square of the same color matching the circle, creating new square fields and images that appear on the wall. If one steps forward one square, the picture on the wall is animated. If one steps backwards, the picture disintegrates into individual particles. Each person has the ability to animate and decay two images with their respective square.