Update: Earth Observation – Icelandic Volcanoes

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Tue Jun 15, 2021, 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
All times are given in Central European Time (CET / UTC +1).

A series of hundreds of earthquakes at the beginning of 2021 indicated a possible volcanic eruption on the Reykjanes peninsula in Iceland. On March 19, the first fissure finally opened, followed by several more. In Iceland itself, the rather harmless eruption became the number one sightseeing destination and a major tourist attraction. The appearance of the volcano and the surrounding landscape changes over time, as a longer-lasting eruption is to be expected. Birgit Hartinger, volcanophile and infotrainer at the Ars Electronica Center, shows and describes exciting impressions from the early phase of the volcanic eruption.