*falcon heavy & Converge Johannes Pöll (AT), Patrick Berger (AT), Raphael Schaumburg-Lippe (AT), Daniel Rammer (AT), Cyntha Wieringa (NL)/photo: vog.photo

*falcon heavy & Converge

Johannes Pöll (AT), Patrick Berger (AT), Raphael Schaumburg-Lippe (AT), Daniel Rammer (AT), Cyntha Wieringa (NL)

Ars Electronica Center, Deep Space 8K
Fri 6. Sep 2024 19:00 – 20:00

Artistic Explorations from the Ars Electronica Futurelab for the SHARESPACE project

SHARESPACE is an international research project funded by the European Commission that explores future embodied collaboration between humans and avatars in shared hybrid spaces through the development of novel XR technologies. The Ars Electronica Futurelab is a partner in this project and artistically explores the possibilities of SHARESPACE technology and concepts through the creation of artworks for the Deep Space 8K. In this performance, visitors will experience two artworks created in the framework of the project in the last year.

Converge is an interactive take on SHARESPACE principles, built in 3D for Deep Space 8k. It uses tracking for up to ten on-site participants and a motion capture suit for one off-site participant. All must collaborate to progress, communicating with the remote participant only via movement & body language. They must solve scenarios, guided only by subtle visual cues. The minimalistic style highlights movements and interactions, ending with participants herding crowds of AI characters.

*falcon heavy is a shared multi-user experience for Deep Space 8K. It comprises a spatial dialog between live participants and an ever-shifting entity within a ritualistic virtual arena. This prototypical interactive real-time artwork sits between the cornerstones of chaos and order. Being in sync shifts audio-visual noise into recognizable patterns and structures. Synchronous signals can be found in a spatial collaborative effort as 4-5 people participate.

Language: EN
Registration: required

Please note: Limited capacity, registration required – in addition to a valid ticket, you need a (free) ticket reservation for the respective event in advance. Reservations for Deep Space 8K events must be scanned on-site no later than 15min before the programme starts.

Warning of Strobe ligth/intense lighting/loud noise.


  • Photo: Denise Hirtenfelder

    Cyntha Wieringa


    Cyntha Wieringa is active as a Researcher & Artist at the Ars Electronica Futurelab and is the moderator of the panel discussion ‘Artistic Exploration in Shared Hybrid Spaces: Creative Perspectives on Future XR Embodied Collaboration in SHARESPACE’. She can provide inside knowledge as the project manager of the SHARESPACE project and has additionally closely collaborated with the artists that participate in the panel.

  • Photo: vog.photo

    Daniel Rammer


    Daniel is a lead developer and researcher with a diverse background in media arts, technology, and robotics. Currently, he focuses on extended reality projects, integrating his expertise in human-computer interaction and game design. Previously, he worked on swarm robotics, developing advanced software solutions for swarm control systems. As a generalist, Daniel also enjoys creating game concepts and developing video games, blending creativity with technology in all his endeavors.

  • Photo: vog.photo

    Johannes Pöll


    Johannes Pöll is a Lead Designer and Artist at the Ars Electronica Futurelab. Over the last year, he has created the interactive multi-user art performance falcon heavy in the context of the SHARESPACE project. falcon heavy is an audiovisual application in the Deep Space 8K where synchronizing with others is key for the ultimate collective experience.

  • Photo: vog.photo

    Patrick Berger


    Patrick Berger is a Lead Designer & Artist at the Ars Electronica Futurelab. Over the last year, he has created the interactive multi-user art performance Converge for the Deep Space 8K in the context of the SHARESPACE project. Inspired by the concept of embodied collaboration, Converge is about decentralized interaction and collaboration between humans and avatars.


SHARESPACE has received funding from the European Union’s research and innovation program Horizon Europe under grant agreement No 10192889