Bio Art

Darío Sacco (AR)
This sound bio-installation is formed by a colony of beings made up of disused technological parts and bio-units of decomposing organic material.

The Biosphere Project
Joaquín Fargas (AR)
The Biosphere Project consists of natural ecosystems isolated in sealed containers that only allow the external influence of heat and light.

Acquired Immunity. Beyond Cultivamos Cultura
Virtual tours of the natural and social landscape around Cultivamos Cultura.

Bio-ID Hyperobject
The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UK)
The main concept of the film is the creation of a design platform in form of a Hyperobject – a collection of things that overlap and intersect. It creates a system to visualise the systemic complexity of Bio-ID design research in an aesthetic and visually appealing way. The film project speculates with the idea of how data can become a visual object, a visual representation shaped into a navigational object.

Fermenting Futures: BioArt and Yeast Biotechnology in Uncertain Times
Anna Dumitriu (UK), Alex May (UK)
"Fermenting Futures" ist ein Projekt der Künstler*Innen Anna Dumitriu und Alex May, das die Bereiche BioArt, synthetische Biologie, digitale Technologien, Skulptur, Kunsthandwerk und Installation erforscht und die Bedeutung der Hefe-Biotechnologie aus kultureller Perspektive untersucht.

Meet the S+T+ARTS Community: Art & Sience Collaborations
Ingeborg Reichle (AT), Michael Sauer (AT), Robertina Šebjanič (SI), Gjino Šutić (HR)
Wenn KünstlerInnen, WissenschaftlerInnen und wissenschaftliche Forschungseinrichtungen in gemeinsamen Projekten zusammenarbeiten, führt die Kollision von Methoden oft zu neuen und spannenden Perspektiven für die künstlerische und wissenschaftliche Praxis.

Rethinking alive as material
Rūta Spelskytė (LT)
The toolkit is designed to rethink alive as material. To think of the ways we can use nature, create tools out of it, imagine or train plant and animal features, construct their development in the future, and on the other hand – how to take a moment to stop and just appreciate it.

The Birth of Venus
Brigita Kasperaitė (DE/LT)
While in the past electroconvulsive therapy was used in very questionable ways, we can admit one thing, the reality is questionable in itself. And while the artist Brigita Kasperaitė explores the natural and synthetic ways of electrical discharges and how they might affect the surroundings, she is also interested in knowing and experiencing that electricity is everywhere - as well as our bodies.

Experiencing lives
Mindaugas Gapševičius (DE/LT), Brigita Kasperaitė (DE/LT), Rūta Spelskytė (LT), Auksė Gaižauskaitė (LT)
The artist talk raises the question of collaboration between different species. It will start with a presentation of three projects: two toolkits for experimenting with living organisms and a conversation about microorganisms and their hosts. The artist talk is hosted by the Alt lab, a non-disciplinary research laboratory dedicated to artistic-scientific research and implementation of interdisciplinary projects.

Workshop: Pinecone Hygrometer, Seed Dispersal, and Fire Ecology
Helen Huang
In this lecture we will explore how seeding of plants respond to environmental triggers like fire and humidity changes. We will also learn some basic concepts in scientific research and how we can sense our environment through the observation of the plants around us.

Workshop: Sidewalk Herbarium
Alvaro Azcarraga with Terry Huang
We will be reconnecting with our local environments by collecting and identifying plant specimens from your neighborhood/sidewalk.

Garage Digital: Worlds beyond Worlds
Garage Museum of Contemporary Art / Nikita Nechaev, Moscow (RU)
Works and practices of several artists and collectives, that participate in Garage Digital program, reflect on the different types of networks, infrastructures, ecologies and algorithms, and pose questions of the possible tactics and strategies to reassemble these systems with new types of communities, modes of rationality and production in mind —cunning, poetic, speculative and emergent.

Luminous Crusting, Bio-ID
The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UK)
Luminous Crusting is a project that questions perceptual and environmental ‘flatness’ of synthetic materials in comparison to extremely thin, but highly expressive and performative biogenic ‘micro-crusts’. These living, grown micro-crusts are highly ordered three-dimensional structures on a microscopic level. As such, they act not only as visual enhancers through deep iridescent appearance that changes with light and viewers movement, but as a living mediator between building tissue and the environment.

Genetic Biotech through the Eyes of Artists
BOZAR presents a talk on genetic modification, featuring Sandra Lorenzi (FR), Kuang-Yi Ku (TW), Christophe De Jaeger (BE), and 2 scientists from the Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie – VIB. The talk will be preceded by a video streaming of a guided tour in the VIB facilities in Gent (BE), with Sandra Lorenzi (FR – artist of the Studiotopia programme), Kuang-Yi Ku (TW – artist of the Studiotopia programme), Sofie Bekaert (BE – VIB) and VIB scientists Roosmarijn Vandenbroucke and Sofie Goormachtig, presenting their current research.

Cellular Seeds – Inexorable futures
Alejandra Marinaro (AR)
The Latinamerican Bioarte Lab (LatBioLab) explores more than 12 years of Bioart in Argentina. From ‘The Biosphere Project‘, Joaquín Fargas (AR), a simple way to show the world ecosytem, until ‘Colony‘, Darío Sacco (AR) that connects technology with biology and ‘Cellular Seeds - Inexorable Futures‘, Aleandra Marinaro (AR) that generates a new kind of “tech-life“. The Biosphere Project launches the adoption program of small worlds: ¨Adopt a World, adopt your World¨.

Q&A with Man & Wah
Moderated by independent curator and creative director working in the field of digital/new media arts, Lubi Thomas (AU/UK), this live Q&A event will explore the creative practice and process of artists Man & Wah. Covering topics of nature, the cosmos, information and interdisciplinary artistic practice, Man & Wah will respond to live questions alongside a discussion with Lubi about their narrative video piece, CELESTON, and physical exhibition at Museum of Brisbane.

Man & Wah: Artist Studio Profile
Working within the breadth of nature and the cosmos, the Marco and Micro, Man & Wah (AU) produce lush and alluring photographic, moving image, digital and installation based works. Collaborating with a diverse range of people on projects across the globe, they explore the depths of place through local flora; ultimately illuminating synergies between the limits of the man-made and vastness of natural systems and structures. This video follows the artists’ creative process and explores the places they forage for inspiration and meaning. Created in collaboration with photographer and filmmaker Charlie Hillhouse (AU), this studio profile gives insight into the forces that drive Man & Wah to continue to compel audiences to reflect on the phenomenal complexity of plants and the endless possibilities of interconnectedness.

Cellular Seeds - Live Interaction with the artist
Alejandra Marinaro (AR)
Live interaction with the artist The existence of destiny is an inherent question about the human condition and many believe it to be unique. Meet the artist behind Cellular Seeds. Link to enter will be available in

Meet the Media Guru
William Myers (US/NL)
Within its Meet the Media Guru format, MEET presents a talk by William Myers about the emerging practice of integrating biological processes into art and digital creativity. An exhibition curator and lecturer based in Amsterdam (NL), Myers is the author of two widely acclaimed books about the intersections of design, art, and science: Biodesign and BioArt.

Turbulent Flow: Chaos Theory and Camanchaca´s Behavior in Atacama Desert
Mauricio Lacrampette, Alejandro Jofré, Jazmín Adler
Nebula project, the chaotic inner geometry of camanchaca´s water droplets in motion unfolds a thorough investigation on mathematical notions, which may explain natural behaviours such as the dynamic of this very particular coastal fog.