European Platform For Digital Humanism


ESERO Austria (AT)

ESERO (European Space Education Resource Office) is a project run by the European Space Agency (ESA) and education partners in various European countries to promote the interest of young people in scientific issues (MINT subjects in primary and secondary education). To achieve this goal, ESERO offers teachers a wide range of teaching materials and training programs. ESERO Austria has been active at the Ars Electronica Center Linz on behalf of ESA and FFG/BMK since 2016.

ESERO organizes training sessions for primary and secondary school teachers, in collaboration with national partners in STEM subject education. Teacher training events are officially accredited as part of ongoing professional development qualifications.

In addition, ESERO Austria is producing accompanying teaching materials to support teachers in conveying space-related content to their students. Experts scientifically and didactically test all materials before they are made available.

ESERO Austria is also responsible for handling various student projects on behalf of ESA. CanSat, Mission X and Climate Detectives are managed and processed annually by ESERO Austria.

Projekt Credits

Ars Electronica, ESA, FFG, BMK