Creative Question Challenge: Hybrid forms of being together
3 137 (GR), Audrey-Flore Ngomsik (FR), Christos Carras (UK/GR)

"Lasst uns beenden, was wir begonnen haben." Auf diese Weise stellt die UNO ihr erstes Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung vor - das Ende der Armut in allen Formen und Dimensionen bis 2030. Die 17 Ziele der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung und ihre 169 Teilziele wurden als ein ausuferndes, missverständliches Durcheinander großer Absichten beschrieben. Allein der Titel der Entwicklungsagenda - "Unsere Welt umgestalten" - verströmt utopische Ambitionen. Er wurde 2015 von 193 Nationen angenommen. Fünf Jahre später und mit zehn verbleibenden Jahren: Wie wird sich unsere Welt verändern?

Creative Question Challenge: Examining organic and digital ecosystems
Hypercomf (GR), Markos Digenis (GR)

Will there be no poverty and zero hunger across the world in ten years? Is this planet to be populated in ten years by billions of healthy and educated humans? Is comfortability or autonomy more important to well-being? Can you be comfortably autonomus? These are the questions scientists were asked who applied to an open call to collaborate with artists in the STUDITOPIA residency program.

HackAthens 2021: What Comes After - A Discussion with Participating Artists

A panel discussion, featuring a prerecorded introduction by curators Angelos Varvarousis (GR) and Prodromos Tsiavos (GR), a live show of the developed works and live discussion with participating artists.

HackAthens 2021: What Comes After - Online showcase
​Kyriaki Goni (GR)

Commissioned through an open call process, *HackAthens 2020* includes a series of five works taking the form of film, digital games, sound drama and mobile apps.

Data Garden - Tour & Talk
​Kyriaki Goni (GR)

Data Garden ​Prerecorded discussion between artist Kyriaki Goni (GR), Prodromos Tsiavos (GR) Head of Digital at The Onassis Foundation, and *TBC,* followed by live recap and audience Q&A on YouTube and Zoom.

Data Garden - Kyriaki Goni - Exhibition
​Kyriaki Goni (GR)

Exhibition Tour & Talk Can anyone think of the future of connectivity beyond surveillance? Is it possible for the bond between human and non-human worlds on this planet to be substituted? Can plants, as organisms on which life itself is dependent, contribute to the creation and adoption of new practices for the mediated reality? Kyriaki Goni’s new multimedia installation investigates this set of questions by recounting a fictitious narrative that contains elements of truth. YouTube Premiere of a pre-recorded exhibition tour with artist Kyriaki Goni, followed by a live discussion between artist Kyriaki Goni (GR), Prodromos Tsiavos (GR) Head of Digital & Innovation at Onassis Foundation, and collaborators of the project