Ars Electronica Garden Lima
Representations about the indigenous Amazon
Matías Vega Norell (PE), Etsa Nantu, Fátima Rodrigo (PE)
These two projects around the narrative of Amazonian representations address sociocultural problems, including the presentation of director Matías Vega Norell of the bilingual radio soap opera Etsa Nantu, passion in the Amazon; and artist Fatima Rodrigo will present UNAP (National University of the Peruvian Amazon), a video piece that dissects part of the physical makeup of the brutalist University built in the Peruvian Amazonian rainforest.
Configurations around the Environment, the Amazon and New Media
Nancy La Rosa (PE), Beno Juárez (PE)
An exploration of the socio-environmental conflicts derived from the extraction of common goods in Peru and the power relations implied in traditional representations of the territory. And on the other hand, a technological proposal seeks to solve the main challenges of the world: social inclusion and climate change.
Migratory Movement and preservation of the Amazonian Memory
Olinda Silvano (Reshinjabe) (PE), Elena Valera (Bawan Jisbe) (PE)
Migrants and descendants of the native Shipibo-Konibos reflect on life in the urban settlement of Cantagallo, on how they preserve collective Amazonian memory, and on the risk of COVID-19 contagion while living without access to essential resources like sewage, running water, and electric power.