“Non-Player Piano” sound performance
HSE Art And Design School: Sound Art and Sound Design Department
Non-Player Piano was created specifically for Ars Electronica Festival 2020. It will be performed on Moscow River in collaboration with Mubert AI App. The performance will include live music improvisations aided by an artificial neural network “trained” to analyze the surrounding environment, such as the weather, time of day, location, speed, and type of movement.
HSE Animation Garden
Varvara Fomicheva (RU), Polina Nevozhay (RU), Daria Ivanova (RU), Nastya Panina (RU), Maria Maximova (RU), Elena Charobay (RU)
HSE Animation department displays the work of young female directors: Varvara Fomicheva, Daria Ivanova, Nastya Panina, Maria Maximova, Elena Charobay. This part of the HSE Garden Pavilion flourishes in diversity: from a remake of a classic Russian fairytale in a setting of an environmental catastrophe to an intimate story about a mysterious digital garden.
"Get Out", a 3D game
Elena Vlasova (RU)
The world of “Get out” happily greets us at its gates, promising a journey through a utopian and positive space. However, as we interact with its inhabitants, the story turns out to be different. In the world of “Get Out,” nature refuses to be vulnerable and actively defends itself with a surrealistic mix of natural objects and Internet artifacts.