Award Ceremony & Jury Statement
Jury Members talking about Computer Animation
Peter Burr (US) and Mathilde Lavenne (FR) talk about the jury process, trends and the Golden Nica winner of the Computer Animation category.
Jury Members talking about Interactive Art +
Sabine Himmelsbach (DE/CH) and Haytham Nawar (EG) talk about the jury process, trends and the Golden Nica winner of the Interactive Art + category.
Jury Members talking about Digital Communities
Here, Irini Papadimitriou (GR/UK) and Dietmar Offenhuber (AT/US) talk about the jury process, trends and the Golden Nica winner of the Digital Communities category.
Award Ceremony Computer Animation
The Golden Nica and the Awards of Distinction winners of the Computer Animation category are introducing their projects and receive their certificates in the virtual space.
Award Ceremony Digital Communities
The Golden Nica and the Award of Distinctions winners of the Digital Communities category are introducing their projects and receive their certificates in the virtual space.
Award Ceremony Interactive Art +
The Golden Nica and the Awards of Distinction winners of the Interactive Art + category are introducing their projects and receive their certificates in the virtual space.
Prix Ars Electronica 2020 Jury Statements
The statements of the Prix Ars Electronica jury 2020.