PRESTIGE Art & Science Residency
Migration – Sunshine Architecture explores the idea of energy autonomy while questioning our apparent ease of access to it. To reconsider our relationship with energy and its consumption, it is interesting to present energy as a limited, thereby precious, resource. Discover how Migration – Sunshine Architecture has been developed by KompleX KapharnaüM (KxKm), a French team comprised of video makers, musicians, technicians, writers, performers, and makers that performs in public space.
The Woman-Machine: Performance
Félicia Atkinson (FR)
Watch this performance on the Livestream.
The Woman-Machine: Panel II
Aude Bernheim, Sophie Sakka
The second day of “The Woman-Machine” will feature panels from with Aude Bernheim on AI and ethics and Sophie Sakka on therapeutic robots and autism.
The Woman-Machine: Panel I
Clotilde Chevet, Oulimata Gueye
On Firday the event “The Woman-Machine” will start with talks from Clotilde Chevret about AI and gender, followed by another panel with Oulimata Gueye on afrocyberfeminism.
Transient - Impermanent paintings
Quayola (IT)
Transient - Impermanent paintings is an audiovisual concert for two motorized pianos and two conductors in collaboration with generative algorithms. Hyper-realistic digital brushstrokes articulate endlessly on a large-scale projection as if on a real canvas. Each brushstroke is sonified with a piano note, creating polyphonic synesthetic landscapes.
Real Feelings – A Talk on Work and AI with Simone C. Niquille and Sabine Himmelsbach
Simone C. Niquille (CH), Sabine Himmelsbach (DE)
The curators behind the exhibition Real Feelings at HeK Basel in conversation with the participating Swiss artist Simone C. Niquille. Her work Elephant Juice, specifically commissioned for the show, explores artificial emotional intelligence being used in employment procedures. The work follows a character preparing for an upcoming automated job interview, reflecting on the limits of objectivity and automatic categorization of deeply personal and delicate matters of emotion.
AIxLITERATURE: Poetry Is A Machine
The Grid (US/EU), Vikram Chandra (IN/US), Bryan McCann (US), Andrew Piper (CA), M Eifler (US), Clemens J. Setz (AT), Clara Blume (AT/US), Vanessa Chang (US/SG/AU)
How does the algorithmic contour the lyrical? Nearly a century ago, William Carlos Williams declared, “A poem is a small (or large) machine made out of words.” As artificial intelligence becomes a writing tool, his words take on a new resonance. Some critics of algorithmic literature decry the incursion of automation into this essentially human creative practice.
Future Life Exhibition
Curated by: Karin Ohlenschläger
Marco Barotti (IT), Clams, interactive installation, 2019 (FR), Online Culture Wars (in collaboration with Baruch Gottlieb, 2018/19; The Persuadables), video, 2019 Quimera Rosa (ES/FR), Trans*Plant: May the Chlorophyll Be With/In You, mix-media installation, work in progress since 2016 Anna Ridler (GB), Mosaic Virus, GANs generated video installation, 2019 Robertina Sebjanic (SI) & Gjino Sutic (HR), Aqua Forensic, installation, 2018
Real Feelings – A Talk on Vibes with Lauren Lee McCarthy, Kyle McDonald and Ariane Koek
Lauren Lee McCarthy (US), Kyle McDonald (US), Ariane Koek (GB)
Sabine Himmelsbach, Ariane Koek and Angelique Spaninks, the curators behind the exhibition Real Feelings at HeK Basel in conversation with the American artist Lauren Lee McCarthy. This Artist Talk allows insights into the work of a highly interesting and relevant artist, examining social relationships in the midst of surveillance, automation and algorithmic living. Her interactive installation Vibe Check, especially commissioned for the exhibition at HeK, consists of a series of cameras capturing and analyzing the visitors emotional reactions to each other, ultimately presenting the results to them individually.
AI x MUSIC: Artificial Creativity or Enhanced Humanity
The Grid (US/EU), Christine Payne (US), Monica Dinculescu (US), Ali Nikrang (AT), Clara Blume (AT/US)
Die Musikindustrie hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten drastisch verändert. Unabhängig davon, ob zum Guten oder zum Schlechten, sind diese Entwicklungen mit dem technologischen Fortschritt und einem sich rasch anpassenden Verbraucherverhalten verbunden. Technologie-Unternehmen investieren in eine Zukunft, in der KI ein unverzichtbarer Teil des kreativen Prozesses ist. Jüngste Erfolge ebnen bereits den Weg für vollständig durch Algorithmen erzeugte und gespielte Musik. Aber macht das KI zu einem Künstler?
Real Feelings – A Virtual Exhibition Tour with curator Sabine Himmelsbach
Sabine Himmelsbach (DE)
Co-curator Sabine Himmelsbach will digitally guide you through the international group show Real Feelings at HeK Basel, to present work by 20 artists in mediums ranging from artificial intelligence, interactive installations, robotics and biometrics, to gaming, video installations, virtual reality and photography. The shown works examine how technology can capture, evaluate or generate our emotions in a variety of ways. Find out more about the artistic and curatorial choices that determined the installation and set design of the exhibition.
Collective Curated Exhibtions I: On the Road, Young Media Artists in China
A collaborative project between SCm/CityU HK and Guan Shang Yue Museum of Art, Shenzhen, presenting 50 installations by 35 artists; which involved 15 curators, art critics and scholars from China and Hong Kong. It provided an overview of the media art scene across China today, and demonstrated how young Chinese artists are exploring and combining both older and ‘newer’ media to new ends.
Refik Anadol (TR/US), MoBen / CityU HK
DïaloG is an urban media art installation developed by Maurice Benayoun (MoBen/CityU HK) and Refik Anadol (AnalogNative). In the public space (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain) two “living” entities face each other. They don’t look like the living beings we know. They don’t speak any language we know. They are aliens, strangers, immigrants. Facing each other they gradually mutate. They seem to react to their environment. Even more, they clearly desperately try to understand each other.
Random Seed: Using Gardening as a Metaphor for Machine Learning in a Creative Practise
Anna Ridler (UK), Caroline Sinders (US) , Oisin Mac Aodha (IE)
Can we do the same with less - AI in 64 Kb
Philippe Esling (FR)
This hands-on workshop for the AIxMusic Hackathon by Philippe Esling (FR) introduces techniques for lightweight AI, demonstration of embedded technologies and a 64 Kb competition for an AIxMusic hackathon project challenging the current limits of AI and inspired by the Demoscene and the 64Kb competitions.
The Wandering Mind
slow immediate (CN/US)
Träumt die Erde? Können unsere Träume ineinandergreifen? In "The Wandering Mind" (dt.: Die wandernden Gedanken) treffen uns die allgegenwärtigen Sensorik-, Faser- und neuronalen Netzwerke, die unseren Planeten bedecken, im Schlaf, während sie ihr Quellenmaterial aus Field Recordings und Sensordaten von riesigen Onlinespeichern beziehen. Für das diesjährige Festival malen wir einen Traum mit Geräuschen von Wasser und Strömungen: Eine Nacherzählung des Mythos von Tiamat, der Meeresmutter, deren Leben eine tragische Wendung nimmt, als ihre rebellischen Kinder nach Macht streben. Die Geschichte spiegelt unsere moderne Beziehung zu den Ozeanen der Erde wider.
AI Creative Agents: The Man I Love
Hervé Sellin (FR), Remi Fox (FR)
The Musical Representations team in the STMS laboratory at IRCAM is working on "cyber-human" systems. Just as cyber-physical systems create a continuity between the digital logic of computers and the physical world by capturing, modeling, and modifying it, they establish a creative continuity between machines and musicians using mathematical modeling and artificial intelligence.
Little Etudes for Piano
Elaine Chew (US/GB)
Little Etudes is a series of short piano pieces based on cardiac electrical anomalies. Aberrant electrical activity in the heart can cause the heart to beat irregularly. Abnormal heart rhythms form interesting musical patterns, which raises the question of whether all natural-sounding musical rhythms have a physiological basis.
Three Ladies Project
Georges Bloch (FR)
Billie Holiday, Édith Piaf and Elisabeth Schwarzkopf are three great ladies of music, born in 1915. Could we make them sing together? This was the subject of a performance conceived for the music festival Le pietre che cantano in L'Aquila (Italy) in 2015. Using DYCI2Lib software, the three ladies finally sing The Man I Love together. ImproteK, the earlier version of DYCI2Lib, already made it possible to intelligently link the harmony of the base material used (called "memories") to the harmonic progression of the reference song (called "scenario").
Grenzen von Musik und künstlicher Intelligenz
Künstliche Intelligenz spielt eine immer wichtigere Rolle bei der Komposition, Aufführung und Produktion von Musik. Wie fördert oder untergräbt dies MusikerInnen? Wohin führen uns diese Entwicklungen? Zwei junge Protagonisten an der Spitze von AIxMusic werden über die Grenzen und die zukünftige Entwicklung von AIxMusic diskutieren. Die Themen reichen von klassischen Fragen der Übernahme durch KI über therapeutische und spielerische Anwendungen bis hin zu Diskussionen über Deep-AI, über Unsicherheit und unbekannte Modelle und Dimensionen.