Walter Ötsch entwickelt zwei Szenarien für die Zukunft der Gesellschaft: ein positives und ein negatives und gibt einen Überblick, welche positiven und negativen Vorstellungen über die Zukunft im Workshop erörtert wurde. Gemeinsam werden Hindernisse und Optionen für die Zukunft diskutiert.
Intro/Host: Walter Ötsch
Moderation: Renata Schmidtkunz
Gemeinsame Diskussion mit Antonia Birnbaum, Evelyn Bodenmeier, Leonhard Dobusch, Sighard Neckel und Walter Ötsch
Evelyn Bodenmeier
Loves all forms of facilitation. Experienced in steering transformation and multi-stakeholder processes initiated and supported by civil society (including Germany’s first environmental mediation Landwehrkanal, deliberative participation model Tempelhofer Feld and the Civil Society Fund Lusatia and the planned Citizens‘ Council Lusatia) Currently in mission for A seeker and networker in topics ranging from analog-digital to liquid democracy, deliberation models, #Gov0, citizen assemblies, e-government and open data policies, commons and netcommons, zeromission and blue economy.
Leonhard Dobusch
Leonhard Dobusch is Professor of Business Administration with focus on Organization at the University of Innsbruck. He holds degrees in Law and in Business studies and his main research interests include the management of digital communities and private regulation via standards, specifically in the field of copyright. He is co-founder of the momentum conference series, member of the ZDF television council and blogs at
Antonia Birnbaum
Antonia Birnbaum writes philosophy as well as texts pertaining to contemporary art. She is a professor for philosophy at the Universität der Angewandten Künste since 2020 after having taught many years at the University Paris 8. She contributes to the review Radical Philosophy, has written amongst other things:
Nietzsche Les aventures de l’héroïsme collection « Critique politique », dirigée par Miguel Abensour, Paris, Éditions Payot, 2000. Traduction en espagnol : Las aventuras des heroísmo, Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2004
Le vertige d’une pensée. Descartes corps et âme, Lyon, Editions Horlieu, 2003
Bonheur Justice. Walter Benjamin collection « Critique politique », dirigée par Miguel Abensour, Paris, Éditions Payot, 2009
Trajectoires obliques, Paris, Sens&Tonka 2013
Egalité radicale. Diviser Rancière, Paris, éditions Amsterdam 2018
Sighard Neckel
Sighard Neckel is a sociologist and Professor of Social Analysis and Social Change at the University of Hamburg, spokesperson of the DFG Research Group „Zukünfte der Nachhaltigkeit“ and project leader of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1171 „Affective Societies“. He studied sociology, philosophy and law in Bielefeld and at the Free University of Berlin, where he received his doctorate in 1990 and his habilitation in sociology in 1996. This was followed by professorships in Gießen, Vienna and Frankfurt a.M. among others, as well as guest professorships in the USA, Australia, Switzerland, Poland, Greece and South Korea. From 2000 to 2017, Sighard Neckel was a member of the staff of the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt am Main and from 2012 to 2016 Principal Investigator of the Cluster of Excellence „Normative Orders“ at the Goethe University Frankfurt. His research focuses on economic and financial sociology, social inequality, emotion research, social theory and conflicts over sustainability. In recent years he has published „Gesellschaftstheorie im Anthropozän“ (2020), „Die Gesellschaft der Nachhaltigkeit“ (2018), „Die globale Finanzklasse“ (2018), „Leistung und Erschöpfung“ (2013) and „Strukturierte Verantwortungslosigkeit. Berichte aus der Bankenwelt“ (2010).
Walter Ötsch
Walter Ötsch is an economist and was formerly employed at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, where he established and headed the Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy. Since 2015 he has been professor of economics and cultural history at the Cusanus Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung. His areas of expertise are the cultural history of economic theory and questions of political communication. Publications: Populismus für Anfänger. Anleitung zur Volksverführung (2017) and Mythos Markt. Mythos Neoklassik. Das Elend des Marktfundamentalismus (2019). Further information at: