UCA - University for the Creative Arts

Leonardo S+T+ARTS: A conversation on „What’s next? Art-Science ideas emerging from lockdown.“

Camille Baker (CA/UK), Danielle Siembieda (US), Aurelie Delater (FR) and Marie Albert (FR)

Donnerstag, 10. September 2020, 18:00 - 19:00
Alle Termine werden in der Mitteleuropäischen Zeit (MEZ / UTC+1) angegeben.

Dieser Text ist nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar.

During lockdown, Leonardo and STARTS collaborated to exchange and reflect, together with their wider communities, on how COVID-19 is impacting Art-Science/Art-Technology innovation and co-creation.

The topics covered included:

  • Global response to climate disaster
  • Lens on the non-human – how are we addressing consumption, right of the non-human?
  • Data and surveillance – access and equity/privacy and rights

This special session we will share our intentions, learnings and reflect on the results of those conversations, new collaborations that have emerged as a result, decide on how to adapt this model moving forward, and take a look at what’s next.

Leonardo and STARTS EU entered into an experiment in cross-fertilising our networks through the virtual environment. As two leading organisations in art/sci/tech, we immediately responded to the moment we were all in our homes feeling isolated and needing to connect, engage and take action.

The communities connected together so as not to have parallel conversations, but rather to create a deeper impact and engage with a few of the most critical topics that arose out of the conversations and which concerned their participants in this time.

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Camille Baker (CA/UK)
Camille Baker (CA/UK) is an interdisciplinary artist, curator and researcher with a background in digital and electronic art and design, working across creative digital disciplines. Baker’s digital media practices and experience includes making, teaching, and curating, with a background in wearable technology and e-textiles, mobile media art and performance,VR/AR/Mixed Reality, the body and technology in performance, digital art curating, video art, new media art, alternative music, interactive installation, and emerging technologies research and education.

Danielle Siembieda (US)
Danielle Siembieda (US) is a bold strategist on transdisciplinary programs, STEAM, and creative technology, With Leonardo/ISAST she develops collaborative explorations through partnership-driven creative programs and initiatives. She leads Leonardo’s global art-science residency program including collaborations with Djerassi Program and Nokia Bell Labs. In her global partnership portfolio, shes leads Leonardo’s fast-growing LASER Network of cultural community leaders in over 45 cities world-wide bridging language, culture and discipline divide. She also fosters global scientific and artistic literacy through promotional leadership of Leonardo Music Journal and Leonardo journal, which has become the leading peer-reviewed publication of 50 years in art, science, and technology research.

Aurelie Delater (FR)
After professional and life experience in France and Brazil in the past 10 years, working as Project manager with social workers, lawyers and researchers, Aurelie Delater (FR) is currently living in Porto, Portugal. She is Senior Consultant at Inova+, within the Science&Technology area, where her focus lies on the fields of Creative Industries, Arts and Technology, managing H2020 projects at European and International level. Aurelie Delater loves the energy of creators and artists, and the value they bring to innovation and to thinking out of the box, at social, economic and environmental level. She is particularly interested in supporting the co-creation processes between Tech and Arts, through the monitoring of residencies, and the development of mechanisms that can enhance this type of hybrid collaboration.

Marie Albert (FR)
Holding a Master’s degree from Paris Dauphine University in Cultural Organisation Management (2007), Marie Albert has more than 10 years of experience in innovative projects at the crossroads of culture and technology: – Project development in creative industries (digital culture, art&tech, projects, music…) – Administration of cultural and educational innovative projects (fablabs, cultural equipments) – Territorial strategy (from local to European level) for digital culture development – Coordination and development of innovation European projects combining art, science and technology under Horizon 2020 (STARTS projects), Erasmus +, Interreg and Creative Europe programs. She joined the French Tech Grand Provence team in 2016, as Head of European projects. She is also part of the journalists team at Makery, the online media for labs based in Paris.