The Oslofjord Garden is a wet and blue video tour of the fjord, encompassing site-specific footage as well as artists’ contributions, archival material and conversations with artists and scientists. The Oslofjord contains ecological connections and challenges that are specific and tangible, cultural practices and interactions. This work is based on the Oslofjord Ecologies artistic research platform and book, Oslofjord Ecologies. Artistic Research on Environmental and Social Sustainability.
Link to free download:
Oslofjord Ecologies Expedition
The Oslofjord Garden is wet and blue, a video essay that travels the fjord, encompassing site specific footage as well as artists’ contributions, archival material and conversations with artists and scientists. The Oslofjord runs from the Skagerak sea north of Denmark through narrow straits and sometimes shallow waters towards Norway’s most densely populated area of Viken (the Bay) and the city of Oslo. It shows the landscapes of the inner parts above and beneath the surface, as well as exchanges with people and encounters with marine species. Mostly overlooked by tourists who want to experience Norwegian fjords, the Oslofjord contains ecological connections and challenges that are specific and tangible, as well as cultural practices and interactions with the environment and its populations. The Oslofjord is nature, economy, biology, materiality, culture and history as well as future plans and challenges. This work is based on contributions to the Oslofjord Ecologies artistic research platform and the newly published book, Oslofjord Ecologies. Artistic Research on Environmental and Social Sustainability.
Project Credits / Acknowledgements
Artistic contributions:
Siri Austeen/Abraham Cowley (music, excerpt from Drinking)
Siri Austeen (hydrophone sound works)
Kristin Bergaust (animation)
Cathrine Constanse Gjelsnes with Frode Sten Jacobsen (video)
Anneke von der Fehr (video) with Goggen
Elin T.Sørensen (video)
with Fredrik Myhre (photo)WWF
Oslo Metropolitan University OsloMet
Art in Society Research Group/FeLT
Project production:
Kristin Bergaust Oslofjord Ecologies
Alexis Parra SENT
Kristin Bergaust, concept, cameras and direction
Alexis Parra Pucho, production assistance
Oslofjord Ecologies Expedition was facilitated by the research project FeLT (Futures of Living Technologies), OsloMet and SENT initiative (site, ecology, nature, technology).