When humanity’s disruptive power over the environment was momentarily silenced due to Covid-19, our understanding of the garden began to shift in terms of how we have compartmentalized human activity around gardening, and our relationship to the companion species found therein. How will we perceive the garden and gardening once we take a closer look at what we may have overlooked about them, yet urgently need to consider?
Kepler’s Expedition to the Garden of Planet B
When humanity’s disruptive power over the environment was momentarily silenced due to Covid-19, our understanding of the garden – and of gardening – began to shift. It shifted in shape and in size, due to compartimentalization of human activity. It shifted in how we as humans relate to the gardens themselves and to the companion species therein, which we culture and cultivate us.
Gardens have a history when it comes to who they were made for and why: be it for power, for pleasure, for food or for trash – or for the imagination. In the frame of our current shift in understanding around gardens and what happens in them – in and out of our sight and senses – we bring together artists, scientists and others to present their work and research and show us what we may have overlooked about them, but may need to urgently consider.
Kepler’s Exhibition to the Garden of Planet B is a nocturnal program of live experiments and presentations for a limited audience to be held on the site of Waag’s Planet B location at the Amsterdam Science park and its fringes, where the site reaches former unused farmland with a growing biodiversity.
Project Credits / Acknowledgements
Kepler’s Expedition to the Garden of Planet B is organized by:
Waag – Technology & Society
Kepler’s Expedition to the Garden of Planet B is made possible by:
AFK – Amsterdam Fund for the Arts
NWO – Netherlands Science Organization
Stimuleringsfonds Creative Industrie
European Commission under the H2020-SC5-20-2019 call, Grant Agreement number 868887
Observing the Macroscopic Gardens
Christiaan Zwanikken (NL), Raoul Frese (NL), Angelo Vermeulen (BE), Remco Daalder (NL)
Observing the Microscopic Gardens
Saša Spačal (SI), Toby Kiers (NL/US), Esmee Geerken (NL), De Onkruideniers (NL), Spela Petric (SI), Nicola Triscott (UK)