Donnerstag, 10. September 2020, 20:00 - 22:25
Alle Termine werden in der Mitteleuropäischen Sommerzeit (MESZ / UTC+2) angegeben.
Livestream | Hauptplatz 6, Glashörsaal C (H6.DG.04)

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Thu, 10.09.2020, 20:00 – 20:05 (UTC +2) Fantasy Island
Thu, 10.09.2020, 20:10 – 20:35 (UTC +2) A Certain Trio
Thu, 10.09.2020, 20:45 – 21:00 (UTC +2) Christoph Punzmann
Thu, 10.09.2020, 21:15 – 21:45 (UTC +2) Duo 3-Kanal
Thu, 10.09.2020, 21:55 – 22:25 (UTC +2) Reclaiming Time – ElektroMagnetikSpektrum

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Fantasy Island

Alex de las Heras (ES/CO) feat. Paul Peters (Gula Gula)

Powerless to stop a fantasy once it has begun, it must be played out to its conclusion. Although some fantasies are rooted in the real world, many others involve supernatural or mythological elements. Time travel is often a required element, if not a specific request, to fulfill one’s fantasy.

“Fantasy Island” is an audiovisual and choreographic voyage in a wonderland of palm trees, waterfalls, rites of passage, white sand and white suits. A place where hand-shaken piñas coladas are being sung and drunken, and magical realism piggybacks on a whimsical drama performance. A mumbo jumbo fantasy to die for or escape to, whenever it’s possible.

See the schedule

A Certain Trio (PL/DE)

Evgenii Ж Ignashev (RU), Marcin Morga (AT), Frederic Stritter (DE)

A Certain Trio (ACT) is a music and sound-art performance union based in Vienna and consisting of Evgenii Ж Ignashev (RU), Marcin Morga (AT), and Frederic Stritter (DE). While ACT came into being in 2018, due to their shared passion for electroacoustic music and sonic art, the trio have roots playing acoustic instruments, djing and in music production. Their work incorporates concepts of free improvisation with artistic, social and somatic concepts and practices such as ‘The Discipline of Do Easy’ (W. Burroughs, Gus Van Sant), minimalism/maximalism, meditation, the cut-up technique (Brion Gysin), Dada, the theory of Orgone (Wilhelm Reich), and others. ACT is unrestricted in their instrumentation and has been known to include elements such as an ARP 2600 modular synthesizer, a no-input mixer/mellotron centaur, and custom-built string instruments to create their sonic compositions.

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Christoph Punzmann (AT)

In this performance, I am using the Guzheng, a Chinese zither, with a specially constructed audio processing hardware. The instrument is used with a newly developed alternate tuning and novel playing techniques. The core of this instrument consists of an analog microphone preamplifier with filter, constructed by me, plus a digital sound processor on a single board computer (Raspberry Pi) running Pure Data. They all form the amplified and filtered Guzheng signal which is processed through granular synthesis, frequency modulation and amplitude modulation.

See the schedule

Duo 3-Kanal

Katharina Klement (AT), Martina Claussen (AT)

Das “Duo 3-Kanal” (Martina Claussen, Stimme, Objekte & Elektronik; Katharina Klement, Zither & Elektronik) arbeitet mit der Idee des Settings eines kleinen dritten Extra-Lautsprechers, der als integraler Bestandteil wie ein zusätzliches Instrument den formalen Ablauf und das räumliche Geschehen mitbestimmt. Das mögliche Wandern zwischen der Bühnen-PA und diesem dritten Klangkörper lässt Ideen wie Maskierung, Kontrast oder zeitliche Verschiebungen innerhalb dieser Kanäle in die Performance einfliessen. Die Ausführenden treten als Akteurinnen in den optischen Hintergrund, beleuchten und inszenieren vielmehr ihr Mini-Akusmonium, agieren mit analoger und digitaler Elektronik, präparierter Zither, Stimme, Objekten, Mikrofonen und pickups.

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Reclaiming Time – ElektroMagnetikSpektrum

Brane Zorman (SI)

“Reclaiming Time – ElektroMagnetikSpektrum” is part of the author’s continuously evolving “EMS Series,” exploring the unknown, untracked, unmapped and unheard fluxes and moments in time from the distant, deep space, past; glued and treated with recorded radiation forms created by human activities. The performance is composed from various wide radio band recordings and live inputs from pointing at positions and color constellations of our and other solar systems, stars, planets, and the endless flux of scattering electromagnetic radiation of the past, thus tracing distant echoes that might appear only once in a time-lapse of our universes before they vanish or transform into other forms of energy or radiation.

See the schedule