TRANSCENDENCE: presents an VR environment in form of a serene and magical forest, that strives to provide a safe mental space for people, who are burdened during times of uncertainty and constant change. A carefully curated selection of visuals and sounds encourage the user to leave everyday stress and anxiety caused by Covid-19 behind. The VR experience aims to support people, to clear their mind in order to better process the pressure of the global pandemic crisis. Transcendence attempts to guide the user through a meditative, calming environment, that speaks to mind and body. The combination of anxiety soothing nature as well as precisely arranged sounds and colours turn Transcendence into a safe haven – transcending the user from the physical realm into the
LMU Munich and TUM/MCTS: Melissa Mueller (LMU), Selma Causevic (LMU), Julia Delacor (LMU), Finja Hinrichs (LMU), Melike Mesin (LMU), Annabelle Andres (LMU), Yvonne Creter (LMU), Maximilian Reiner (TUM), Clara Valdés Stauber (TUM) Supervisors: Dr. Karin Guminski, Aida Bakhtiari, Jan-Hendrik Passoth
Samstag, 12. September 2020, 14:30 - 14:45
Alle Termine werden in der Mitteleuropäischen Zeit (MEZ / UTC+1) angegeben.
Ars Electronica Gardens Channel